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Thread: Other courses after Nursing

  1. #1
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    Other courses after Nursing

    I have a niece who is just newly garaduate last March and took Board Exam a couple of week ago. She still wants to study short courses (1 year) in the UK and work while studying. She still wants to improve her English and upgrade her course. Any Nurse here who still study short courses when arrived in the UK?
    Thanks for any suggestion

  2. #2
    Member mamichris's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I have a niece who is just newly garaduate last March and took Board Exam a couple of week ago. She still wants to study short courses (1 year) in the UK and work while studying. She still wants to improve her English and upgrade her course. Any Nurse here who still study short courses when arrived in the UK?
    Thanks for any suggestion

    She can take ESOL course to improve her english...however, she might have to pay the full tuition as an international's best if you ask your local colleges.

  3. #3
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    Thanks a lot mamicris!!! I really appreciate your reply. I will try to make enquiry here at the borders. I have learned from the one have posted that it is quite expensive to help my niece (about 9K) I need to sell a property. Anyway, I have already bought her 2 books online for her IELTS review and will also try to help her to come here as her Dad sent me to university in Manila for 4 bloody years.
    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    my wife took IELTS, she needed a average of 6.5 or was it 7, she just missed it the first time, its pretty hard to get a high mark first time, she took it again, but then you had to wait 3 months before you could, but they changed the rules, so if you dont get the grade you want you can take it again, when you want..

    my wife needed it for her PLAB exams,, which she will be taking this year .. , i make sure she does

  5. #5
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    My niece said she needs to get at least 7 to pass the exam. She's quite good in English but she's not that fast in reading and couldn't understand much if you speak so fast. Like me, when I first met my husband, I couldn't understand him much because of his Geordie accent. I am already adjusted
    I sent her online trials with IELTS and she said she failed her exam because time laps.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    its a tough exam to get an average of 7 first time, my wife speaks, reads and writes excellent english, but only got an average of 6.5, so 3 months later she was lucky, and managed to get the lucky number 7 when she took it again. i',m booking her plab part 1 test for oct, but w've got to go all the way to london for it ..
    just for a 2hr mutli choice exam paper

    i think she got a 6 for listening part first time, its a gruelling exam, takes most of the day . i downloaded a lot of ielts books, audio files etc of the web, and thats what she used..

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    Do you still kept that downloaded materials?

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    There are two ielts academic and general, academic is a lot more tougher.
    Make sure any material you get is for the right version she is required to take.

    As well as books you will need audio material both for the listening exam and examples of the speaking test.

    If she is still in Phill like my Wife when she took it one of the best resources is the bbc news. Nearly every household with a tv has it and will help as some of the audio examples i have heard for the listening test the speakers have sometimes a slight regional accent which you might hear on the BBC.

    My wife would watch the BBC news whenever she could and I know for a fact it helped greatly.

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