Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
National Insurance number is for tax and benefits, not the same as NHS number which is for health care ( mostly free ). I would not recommend spending money on private care, which has limited advantages such as speed of access. If you needed urgent treatment you would get it on the NHS. You may, however, have no choice but to register for private dental health care as there are insufficient NHS dentists now.
Local GPs are entitled to refuse to add patients if they already have enough, but you should be able to register with an NHS GP, especially where your husband is already registered.
This link may help :
You may also consider NHS Walk-in Centres :
Top Info Doc as always

But be aware the typical Doctors receptionist will in some areas where there is little new imigration will possibly not be au fait of what to do if a spouse visa holder turns up.

Go as a couple take every bit of ID you have, try to contact your local health authority (Brits you could do this before the Mahal gets here possibly???) asking what is required this may help when in your GP surgery if the health authority have already advised you what to do..

National Insurance may not be needed but please remember a lot of Brits have little knowledge to do with imgration into this country it seems from experience so will often have no idea and will come up with random requirements which may not be the case as crazy as that seems...