... yes, Mari ... but the fact
IS, it's the
'Medium of Instruction' in
your country -
as I keep pointing out endlessly to all and sundry [usually] to no avail. I even did so yet again earlier today ... in a "sister" thread: 'English Test /Bachelors' Degree'. And - like your goodself - the person I happened to be replying to, had the courtesy to respond. But, sadly,

(as I've indicated above) very few members seem to take what I have oft-repeated in
this context, seriously. Sometimes - like
most folk - I get things wrong. And when I do, I'm generally the first to acknowledge my mistake(s). But ... being married to Myrna, who was a teacher for 22 years in the Phils, makes me all the more adamant that
MOST educated Filipinos speak and understand English perfectly well - unlike the vast majority of continental Europeans ... whose presence in the UK is NOT determined by their linguistic abilities -
or lack of - thanks to

EEC directives.
That's why I am totally opposed to these trumped-up, money-spinners.