Hello everyone need your opinion...

My hubby's bank statement is one or two-pages only and the rent on his flat is not reflected on it as he's paying it in cash with a receipt to a private landlord. And his balance is for the last 4months was £2,200-£3,000 and this august is down to £2,000 bank balance as he paid a car repair... would that be a problem? Should i really need to submit 6-months detailed banks statements of my hubby of 3months are enough? I have been visited UK for 3 times but last july 2010 i met my hubby and get married here in the Philippines lasr april 2011 when he had his 3-week vacation here...

He has two part-time jobs as line chef and a coach driver. With his work in the restaurant for 5hours Mondays to Fridays at the rate of £6.80/hr is paid directly to his account weekly. But his school run on Mondays through Fridays and bus driving is paid in cash weekly. And I found out when i am gathering documents for spouse application that his school run of £200/week is not taxed by the bus company but on his overtime on the weekends is being taxed which shows on his P60. so his P60 at the bus company is low as his school run is not included... there's no problem with the restaurants P60, employment letter and paylips but his rate is only 6.80/hr working regularly for 5hours in a week... /any advise on how shall we deal on his paper works with the bus company? Please advise on what to do or how shall the bus company can give the proper paper works for my husband?

With regards to his accommodation, there is no rental agreement between the private landlord and my hubby but he's renting the 2-bedroom flat for almost four(4) years and he's paying it in cash with out a receipt when paying... It's really hard to gather his papers as we need to start from the scratch... any advice on this...

Do you think with this kind of situation, is there a possibility that can follow my hubby soon... supposedly im planning to follow him on Oct. 1 but i dont know on how can we complete a proper documents.... :-(

Looking forward to your pieces of advice... Thank you..