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Thread: time scale warning

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    time scale warning

    I read this on another forum, when applying for FLR or ILR, dont leave it to the last minute when applying for a visa, if there is a problem, the price is too high to pay.. ... dont let it happen to you

    "For various reasons we applied on the 2nd of April for LTR as my spouse using form FLR(M), and unfortunately my payment card rejected and I had to resend and this application was processed on the 21st April (31 days late). Hence at the time of the application my wife's LTR had expired. on this basis the application was rejected with no grounds to appeal, and she was told she must leave the country ASAP but with no deadline given."

    the cost, the visa fee you just paid, cost of air tickets and having to apply again, also being away from your wife/husband..

  2. #2
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    I read this on another forum, when applying for FLR or ILR, dont leave it to the last minute when applying for a visa, if there is a problem, the price is too high to pay.. ... dont let it happen to you

    "For various reasons we applied on the 2nd of April for LTR as my spouse using form FLR(M), and unfortunately my payment card rejected and I had to resend and this application was processed on the 21st April (31 days late). Hence at the time of the application my wife's LTR had expired. on this basis the application was rejected with no grounds to appeal, and she was told she must leave the country ASAP but with no deadline given."

    the cost, the visa fee you just paid, cost of air tickets and having to apply again, also being away from your wife/husband..

    thats kinda worrying...what is LTR anyway??? you can see they have two mistakes in application the form and the way of payment in the application form it ask you couple of times if the form you are using is right for you so maybe they think something is wrong with this people and another is they are already 31 days late...i think by the time they have open and send you a confirmation letter they will tell right there and then if something is missing in requirements makes me worry for i have just send my FLR application last april 20 then on the april 25 they send me letter telling that the application is now being process by a caseworker the payment has been withdrawn and it also says that it not possible to make enquiries in person about the progress of an fiancee visa has already expired las may 7 were still waiting for the result....
    Filipina a born survivor!

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think, they think LTR Leave To Remain, seeing he mentions spouse visa, he must have mean't ILR !!.

    i left my wifes ILR with only about 10 days to go, as i was waiting for advice about my stepson, but if my bank had refused my cred card, and it took IND days or a week to tell me, and i had to reapply, who knows

    oh i wouldn't worry, it took nearly 4 wks for my wife to get FLR, and it could be longer, as april will have been a busy month for them, with the new prices, and 'life in the uk' test, more paper work,,,

    you should know within 2 wks thou,,, oh i sent my wifes ILR on the 26th of april !!!

    good luck thou

  4. #4
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    got my FLR application result today...positive...
    Filipina a born survivor!

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you got FLR.

    hmm i think i should know in a week,

    not feeling too well this sec thou, been to dentist to pull out a tooth i cracked and the filliing fell out, it took 2 dentist's 30 mins to yank, and drill it out, like the dentist's said, i bet you feel like you've been 10 rounds with tyson

    i do, so badboyako get your jokes in while iam down , but not out..
    she did tell me not to go back to work and take it easy..

  6. #6
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    I'd like to joke at your expense, but I had a wisdom tooth out 2 years ago & have not been back to the dentist since

    I think the tooth wasn't the problem, it was the the lump of bone that came with it

    jb, enjoy the time off at home - i have been but its my last day sat on my - I've got a contract starting tomorrow, so its just solid work ahead and no holidays to look forward too

    I'm gonna have one happy accountant

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i dont know badboyako wether to be or for you,,,

    oh i went to work , well for 2 1/2 hrs dont want to use a holiday now, or a sick day..

    good job, boss just give me a £2k rise, well thats great except iam on the same money i was 2years ago, and only aobut %60 of what i was 6years ago

    good luck with ya job thou, see it as a new start ...

    yes well it took 2 dentist 30 mins of pulling and yanking at it, to get it all out, , still bleeding 6 hours later..

    oh well they didnt make much out of me today good old nhs , 1 hour for me dentist, 20 mins for the big boss dentist who had to help, 2 assistants, and a filling for only £27 , me dentist did say to me "say about your filling" to reception, , well after 30 mins of near killing me, last thnig on my mind was that... i wanted to get out, like a trapped pig ready to be turned into lechon.. !!!

    as for bone, yes they were talking and were saying, oh thats some bone there

    i feel like

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    still bleeding 6 hours later
    Bleedin ugly
    Keith - Administrator

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