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Thread: Is he too fast or foreign guys are just fast? :)

  1. #31
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desiderata_78 View Post
    We came to an agreement to take things slow and he gave me sometime off the net. And I was looking for an answer when I happened to search this friendly forum and here I am!

    He says he wants to see me personally. Which I think is a good thing. He says that at his age of 43, he would know what love is.

    All advises are great guys.. appreciate everything.
    Hi Desiderata ... you sound like you have your head screwed on . Your boyfriend may feel like he loves you but until you both meet in person, it cannot really be confirmed. I met my own partner online, we were very attracted to each other on web cam and we got on famously. We were fortunate to be able to meet here in the UK just a week after our introduction and also found the chemistry was right. Six years later ........... not wishing to rush things, we’ve just moved in together (!). Good luck and I hope that your first meeting goes well

  2. #32
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    6 years wow , steady on Rosie

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    So sorry to read about this Terpe, what a very sad situation. I notice that your brother was married 4 times so I am hoping that he was able to regain part of his life back again ......................
    Hi there Rosie, good to know your still reading and posting.

    I have posted a few times before about my brother.
    No, he never did manage to regain his life and passed away a few years ago.
    He was younger than me and just never connected with his soul mate.

    I still find it hard to accept and understand what happened, but it helps me to write some stuff about him from time to time.

    Glad to hear your life goes from strength to strength Rosie. More power to you

  4. #34
    Member desiderata_78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    Hi Desiderata ... you sound like you have your head screwed on . Your boyfriend may feel like he loves you but until you both meet in person, it cannot really be confirmed. I met my own partner online, we were very attracted to each other on web cam and we got on famously. We were fortunate to be able to meet here in the UK just a week after our introduction and also found the chemistry was right. Six years later ........... not wishing to rush things, we’ve just moved in together (!). Good luck and I hope that your first meeting goes well
    Hi Rosie! Thanks for the advice and yes I am not going to rush things...

  5. #35
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    6 years wow , steady on Rosie
    As the saying goes, patience is a virtue!

    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hi there Rosie, good to know your still reading and posting.

    I have posted a few times before about my brother.
    No, he never did manage to regain his life and passed away a few years ago.
    He was younger than me and just never connected with his soul mate.

    I still find it hard to accept and understand what happened, but it helps me to write some stuff about him from time to time.

    Glad to hear your life goes from strength to strength Rosie. More power to you
    Hi Terpe ......... I'm not online much as I have very limited free time but I do like to pop into the forum when I can. I had no idea of your loss and haven't come across any of your other postings about your younger brother. I am truly very sorry and I can certainly empathise with your feelings about acceptance and understanding of what happened. Life "sucks" sometimes .................

  6. #36
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rosie1958 View Post
    Life "sucks" sometimes .................
    Indeed it does, Rosie ... and can "sap" our energy at times ... as you, yourself have been only too well aware throughout the past year since your brother's illness. But you've coped marvellously with all you have had to contend ... and WE, your friends here, appreciate so much, the help, support and inspiration you've passed on to others - as well as the regular updates on your loved one's progress - in spite of your extremely busy lifestyle.

  7. #37
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Thank you Arthur, I really do appreciate your very kind comments. I am very grateful for the help and support that has been shown to me on this forum, there are some truly lovely and very giving people here and I am always willing to contribute/ help others where I can.

  8. #38
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desiderata_78 View Post
    Hi there!

    To start off, I met/talked/chatted with Phil online everyday. We talked for 2 almost weeks and I can tell that he is a nice guy. I like talking to him... The conversation was fun and interesting and it had been that way. The thing is he says that he is in with me.. I was like "omg"!!!
    I backed off a little told him that I cannot tell him that I love him because I want to tell it when I mean it. I am just being honest. I do like him but I cannot be so sure if it is love. I want to know him more and I told him that. He gave me sometime off to think about us. And maybe, just maybe I might realize that I love him too

    My question is ...guys, do u think he is fast or just being himself. I haven't dated a foreign guy. I just want some answers to have a clearer mindset on this matter.

    Thank you.
    Being 43, he's probably had a bit of experience with British women and they are very different to Filipina's. British women nowadays don't really like a romantic guy. They'd rather prefer a bottle of brandy to a bunch of flowers. It's just the way they are. They're not very open either unlike a lot of Filipina's.

    Like me with my Maria, he may find you a breath of fresh air, someone who ticks all the boxes. I felt very comfortable with Maria after only speaking to her online for a couple of weeks and I felt I could trust her. Her qualities shone through in a very short space of time.

    Maybe he feels the same about you. I must admit you do come across as mature which is a trait I find endearing in a partner. Again, he may like it too. Maybe he knows what he wants in a woman. I did.

    And, a big plus point is that he's prepared to give you space. That speaks volumes.

    My advice would be to get to know him more.

    Good luck. Hope it works out

  9. #39
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    We are talking again after sometime off. And I believe we are getting along well just fine, I just need to open up a bit about LDR and believe that it will work out for us. And do the necessary effort on making things work!

    He is plans on seeing me on last week September or early October whenever he could arrange a trip coming here.

    This is the first time I am going to meet a person I meet online so I am nervously excited on how to make things work. This is not his first trip in Philippines for he is often here for work.

    Any ideas from ladies and gentlemen here? Thanks!

  10. #40
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    This is not his first trip in Philippines for he is often here for work.
    whats his job in pinas

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    whats his job in pinas
    He is a senior Overseas Site Consultant of one the company here. What do u think Tawi?

  12. #42
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    Hi Desiderata,

    When i first met my wife , after our run of internet meetings, we arranged to meet in Manila and for various reasons decided to hire a van (minibus) for the duration of the visit (the van proved extremely useful for everything). So on the very first minute of our very first face to face meeting, not only did I meet my wife face to face but also the van driver and her uncle. To this day i remain uncertain but it was a good idea from my wifes point of view as she therefore had a chaperone for that initial meeting face to face (just in case I was dodgy!) . We got engaged that afternoon and flew to Boracay. But perhaps not a bad idea to have someone else with you when you first meet?

    Also, importantly, before I even boarded the plane to the Philippines, I agreed to comply with her moms and her wishes on celibacy. Because I loved her and agreed.

    Hope that helps.

  13. #43
    Member desiderata_78's Avatar
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    A sound advise lastlid.. I am thinking of tagging along a good friend.. And probably my brother(just in case ).

    We haven't agreed on anything yet but I will suggest your advises. And I will take it from there.

    Thanks a lot!

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    So on the very first minute of our very first face to face meeting, not only did I meet my wife face to face but also the van driver and her uncle. To this day i remain uncertain but it was a good idea from my wifes point of view as she therefore had a chaperone for that initial meeting face to face (just in case I was dodgy!) . We got engaged that afternoon and flew to Boracay. But perhaps not a bad idea to have someone else with you when you first meet?
    I'm pretty sure some would think the idea of a chaperone a little 'old fashioned', but, like you laslid, I personally think it's a very sound idea for a first meeting and would strongly suggest that to any lady in similar circumstances.

  15. #45
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    Yes, perhaps a little old fashioned but sensible under the circumstances. Her family have strong values and she is just 24. So it makes sense.

    We didnt take the van driver or her uncle with us to Boracay though.....

  16. #46
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    It's a bugger when they bring a chaperone who'd be a candidate for Miss Phils though.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    It's a bugger when they bring a chaperone who'd be a candidate for Miss Phils though.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    It's a bugger when they bring a chaperone who'd be a candidate for Miss Phils though.
    I have a very funny but completely true story based on something similar.
    A friend of ours went to Philippines to make a first-meet with his g/f.
    She (the g/f) took her sister along as chaperone.
    It seems that all 3 had a wonderful time together, even taking the whole family to Boracay.
    But.............. within less than a month he'd actually ended up marrying the sister of his g/f
    Everything apparantly went to original plan except for the bride.
    Oddly, the original g/f has a prettier face.
    Bizarrely, all three now live together in the same house in Kettering.
    Just to add it's all above board. The guy and his wife are totally in love and a great couple with gorgeous little girl.

    It's a great ice-breaking story whenever there is a gathering. You just couldn't make it up. Wonderful.

  19. #49
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    My wife seemed to have a whole family of beautiful girls....used to drive me to distraction, all that averting of the eyes.

    The ex was very handy with a carving knife.
    . . . .

    Funny thing is....since the divorce I've had loads of requests from her female relations to be friends on my Facebook (and some are).

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    ..........The ex was very handy with a carving knife.
    . . . .
    Nearly all the ladies in my wife's family appear to be expert with large knives and jungle bolo's

    I've seen a mango peeled and sliced in the blink of an eye with a bolo

  21. #51
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    em is handy too with are knife, my god when you see her chopping this and that while still talking and looking at you too

  22. #52
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    I've had a three ladies from Davao in the house during the last 3 weeks.
    Plenty of fun and some great food but..................
    Chopping this and chopping that has taken it's toll on my best knife set (well my best everyday set).
    I admit I said some words on Wednesday morning. Today I took a trip to Costco and bought a set of Global knives as my everyday set.
    Not too impressed so far, but haven't got used to them yet. Seem a bit light and unbalanced. Let's see.

  23. #53
    Member desiderata_78's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I personally think it's a very sound idea for a first meeting and would strongly suggest that to any lady in similar circumstances.
    I will definitely heed your advise.


  24. #54
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    yes well worth making sure you have a chaperone but don't over do it remember the guy would probably wondering if he is safe meeting you as well. As we know there are both foreigners and Phills with bad intentions out there

    As well as not taking care by having people with your or not taking risks you can also "freak out " your partner by having way to many people there or a group of uncles/cousins acting like a bunch of mafia boss bodyguards and if you both or one of you gets stress and uncomfortable it may mean things don't work out as they should :(

    My Wife had a friend meet me with the taxi driver at the airport and she then got out of the car after getting to the airport carpark entrance and left to get on a jeepney while we then proceeded to go to the hotel.

    We then later flew off to Boracay which again looking back was crazy for both of us hardly knowing one another in person hundreds of miles from Manila. It also turned out not all of her family knew what was going on either!! In our case it didn't matter but if i had been a crazed nutter it would not have been very handy the majority of the family not being aware of what was going on.

    What she did have was friends of hers come and meet us both at various stages when in Manila which meant they could check on her and if anything had happened someone would know..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  25. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    yes well worth making sure you have a chaperone but don't over do it remember the guy would probably wondering if he is safe meeting you as well. As we know there are both foreigners and Phills with bad intentions out there

    As well as not taking care by having people with your or not taking risks you can also "freak out " your partner by having way to many people there or a group of uncles/cousins acting like a bunch of mafia boss bodyguards and if you both or one of you gets stress and uncomfortable it may mean things don't work out as they should :(

    My Wife had a friend meet me with the taxi driver at the airport and she then got out of the car after getting to the airport carpark entrance and left to get on a jeepney while we then proceeded to go to the hotel.

    We then later flew off to Boracay which again looking back was crazy for both of us hardly knowing one another in person hundreds of miles from Manila. It also turned out not all of her family knew what was going on either!! In our case it didn't matter but if i had been a crazed nutter it would not have been very handy the majority of the family not being aware of what was going on.

    What she did have was friends of hers come and meet us both at various stages when in Manila which meant they could check on her and if anything had happened someone would know..
    Sensible comments.

  26. #56
    Member desiderata_78's Avatar
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    Thank you for all the advices.. I appreciate it.

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