Coffee is the most popular drink in the UK, Philippines, and worldwide. The Philippines grows four varieties, Arabica, Excelsa, Liberica and Robusta. Starbucks is a very popular multinational chain in both countries. But according to the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer, coffee is a Group 2B carcinogenic agent, meaning it can possibly cause cancer ( of bladder, at high dosage ), in humans. ( Group 1, like smoking, are known to cause cancer ). This is confusing !
Coffee is of course a stimulant, it's a mixture of hundreds of chemicals and too much can cause health problems such as insomnia, stomach ulceration, and abnormal heart rhythms. Moderate amounts may protect against diabetes and Parkinson's disease.
There have been around 500 scientific papers looking at coffee consumption and cancers. The most useful are " meta analyses " reviewing all the evidence.
I've read several recent articles, and what they say is reassuring
The ONLY possible risks of cancer are with high dosage - over 6 cups a day - for bladder cancer ( and childhood leukaemia if the mother has consumed a lot ).
For other sites ( liver and uterus ) the association is protective; large bowel cancer " borderline " protective
; and no association, or some protection, with a variety of other cancers ( prostate, breast, pancreas, kidney, ovary and stomach )
The " coffee suncream " suggestion - adding caffeine to sunscreens might protect against skin cancer - is from mice studies, not humans so far.
As with so many enjoyable activities in life, moderation does seem to be the answer, with the bonus that as far as coffee is concerned, it's probably also good for you.