Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Having attended a routine appointment with the 'Diabetic' Nurse earlier this week, I discovered that both my sugar & cholesterol levels had risen marginally since my last session 3 months ago. Hence ... there's some suggestion I may *need to start on medication for my diabetes. As yet, no firm decision has been made ... but it's highly likely I *WILL, following consultation with the Specialist next Thursday. And, IF SO ... then it'll mean giving up a lifetime's enjoyment of sweets, chocolate and ice cream !!!
arthur may i just reassure you, my youngest son has been type one for 14 yrs and now with his new regime of insulin he can and does take advantage of all those heavenly delights, my mum type 2 also has the hunger for the sweet stuffs... but if ur type 2 there is evidence to prove u can eradicate it .. simply by ur diet...