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  1. #1
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    0 help!!!

    Have any of you tried I tried to book a ticket for my husband but then I cancelled it because they are asking for clicksafe password which I do not know and I cannot contact my husband because there's no signal in his worksite... so just cancelled and planned to wait for him but then after I pressed cancelled I got an a message on the next page like this and they sent me the same message on my email

    Your reservation is being processed.

    Dear EmailFlights Traveller,
    Please do not try to book again as this may duplicate your booking and payment. We are currently processing your booking. Please note that we cannot guarantee the prices shown here until your tickets have been issued, your payment has been cleared and you receive your final booking confirmation email.

    how am I supposed to book again if they are doing this not to book or the charge will double I need help anyone here expereinced this? I cannot check my hubby's account if it has been deducted already coz he is out of reach oh no am dead !!!!!!
    I sent an email to their customer service already and I have been trying to contact their number but it keeps saying on my phone not permitted...

    I don't know how else am suppose to contact their customer service what is going on I did not pursue with the booking because I don't have the clicksafe password and yet there's a message like that... as if we can no longer make a booking to them or somewhere else because there's that booking on process and who knows if they already deducted our account even if I wasn't able to enter the clicksafe password... this is so mean

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    If you recieved the final booking confirmation email then it went through
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    I wonder how are they processing it? I haven't got any password entered so how is that.... though i entered all card info needed but the clicksafe password for online purchases which is the final step suppossedly i didn't and still they are processing

  4. #4
    Respected Member Toneec's Avatar
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    I have use them in the past with no problems. This system is automated, which is why it tries to continue with the process. I have also had the same problem with clicksafe, and same thing happened, it still was processed.
    But not with this company.
    Quote Originally Posted by brokenpieces View Post
    I wonder how are they processing it? I haven't got any password entered so how is that.... though i entered all card info needed but the clicksafe password for online purchases which is the final step suppossedly i didn't and still they are processing

  5. #5
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    what do they mean by this

    Dear EmailFlights Traveller,
    Please do not try to book again as this may duplicate your booking and payment. We are currently processing your booking. Please note that we cannot guarantee the prices shown here until your tickets have been issued, your payment has been cleared and you receive your final booking confirmation email.

    how can they proceed if I did not enter the password? this is so lame
    I thought this is safe for security this password and am not sure what is the final booking because so far that's the only email we got the one saying that message ....

    and what we cannot make any booking? because they are like scaring us not to make any other booking because it might duplicate our payment... grrrrrr and the thing is we have current even if the account doesn't have any money inside it can still borrow from the bank they gonna make us indebted with the bank... this is so mean we are are trying to hurry to buy so we can get the cheap ones now this is what we got

  6. #6
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    so sad with a brokenheart they charged our card but we do not have a ticket, we used the site before everything was ok but this time they charged us but no booking just acknowledgement i dunno how we can get our money back or tell the customer service to fix it so we can have our ticket they are not responding to our emails
    lame ticketstoworld

  7. #7
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    Contact the credit card/debit card issuer and tell them what happened. Do it quickly.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Contact the credit card/debit card issuer and tell them what happened. Do it quickly.
    If you're really not happy with what happened and the supplier is not playing ball then best to resolve with the credit card/debit card issuer.
    Otherwise, just sit back and wait. Maybe a good outcome, maybe not.

  9. #9
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    we are waiting for the customer service my husband was talking to them over the phone the customer service said it should be ok and they will check and do something about it and we are stil waiting till now I checked his email this morning but he's in the market i don't want to do stuff so am wating for him to check ... but the email says check you booking confirmation... so we will see because the last time we bought from them what we saw for final confirmation is e-ticket confirmation and that was it .... but this time seems to be complicated dunno last time it was only minutes and everything is done..... so fingers crossed.....

  10. #10
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    hmmmm I am really confused now
    i got an email saying booking confirmation
    then after an hour e-ticket confirmation
    then my husband got a call from the agency saying that everything is ok that it is confirmed
    but i m wondering because i checked the account of my husband the money they took from us yesterday went back to the balance so how can it be confirmed and that we have the ticket and they sent back the money to us? weird

    if it is confirmed that we have ticket well it says booking confirmation then afterwards e-ticket confirmation if everything is confirmed and ok then am happy

    but am confused the money went back to my husbands account
    well i wouldn't want some weird stuff here or maybe we need to click the e-ticket confirmation and they will get the charge

    well am happy if it has been booked like no problem we got ticket but of course i am also not evil to take or not to say anything if they mistakenly returned the money of course I would want them to take the one that is for the ticket price...

    hmmm we will see what happens next

  11. #11
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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    we bought the ticket to a different site

  12. #12
    Respected Member Toneec's Avatar
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    Hi, Glad to hear you got it sorted out ok

  13. #13
    Member brokenpieces's Avatar
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