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Thread: need help please with regards to bank statements

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    need help please with regards to bank statements

    Hello all im a newbie here, im glad i found this site. Been reading some posts in here and cant seem to find the answer to my queries..

    Me and my husband is planning to apply for spouse on November after i pass the IELTS exam. My husband do have savings of £2400 now. Our problem is that his May bank statement was overdrawn for £16, the said month is suppose to be our 1st month statement which will be submitted for visa. Will it be a problem? June he saved £392 and July £180 so its not overdrawn and he will try to keep it up until October. What if we just send 3 or 5 mos bank statement will it be a prob even if he got over 2K savings? or we just include the May statement, he did send me £180 on that month.. or we wait one more month so we present 6 mos statements with no overdrawn?

    Sorry for my questions, just we dont know what is the best way.. Hope someone in here will answer our queries..Thanks

  2. #2
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    Hi there Johanna, welcome here.

    It's not always easy to give definitive answers as to some extent the ECO will be looking at the 'whole picture' from the application.

    But normally you need to be thinking about sending 3 months bank statements as a minimum. Obviously 5 months would give a much better 'picture' for the ECO

    Basically, the UKBA will be looking at the total cash flow situation to be sure there is sufficient money left after any key fixed/regular expenditure (such as rent or mortgage payments etc).
    It's always a good idea to have some savings.

    In order to minimise any risks it's very wise to avoid submitting any bank statements that are overdrawn.

    Good luck with your English Test and subsequent visa application

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks alot Terpe for your reply. I was thinking of sending you or others here a PM but i decided to make a thread.

    What my husband is doing now is to save as much as he can so he wont get an overdrawn statement again.

    He is earning £1100 a month or more if with overtime. He got only one fixed expenditure which is £305 rent and council tax, he doesnt have loans. He sends me money every month. Was his first time to get overdrawn last May.

    We wanted to apply the visa as soon as we can. After 4 trips and a wedding its over a year now that he wasnt able to visit me. Its really hard but we have to make things right.

    So, 5 months will be okay instead of the 6 mos as long as no overdrawn and with over 2K savings?

    I will be doing the ielts exam next month. I do hope i pass..

  4. #4
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    Your husbands cashflow looks to be fine.
    There really isn't any actual amount stated in the 'immigration rules' that indicate just how much disposable income is considered as 'sufficient'.
    But just as a guide you would need about £106 per week disposable income (after rent etc) per couple, with around £62 additional per child (up to 20yrs)

    From what you've said you'll be fine.

    Nearly everyone on here who has taken the IELTS test has been able to pass.
    There are quite a few postings here on just that if you search around.

    Take care

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Johanna ... Terpe being one of this forum's most knowledgeable and experienced members, you can rely 100% on his advice. So please try to relax about the IELTS Test ... I'm confident you'll do fine next month.

    to our friendly, filipino/uk site ... and all the very best, too with your visa application when the time comes.

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Yes i know that Arthur, ive been reading some of Terpe's posts..

    I will just chillax and wait for the right time

    Thanks for the warm welcome Arthur, Terpe and the people here. See you all around

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