I need a favour... Your advice!

We know a Fil Brit couple that are in a precarious situation due to many different reasons and circumstances and have a 14 year old son..
Eric is in his 70`s and is pretty frail..His wife is in her 50`s and they have been living here for just over 2 years..
they have been married for 16 years with 14 of those years living in Hertfordshire UK.. Obviously Emmy was living and working in the UK with ILR staus.
Eric wished for them to move here in Bohol and build a house on his wife`s land with savings they had and then live off his 550.00 Pound pension here in Bohol..

Now the problem started with Erics health situation and at one point he was at deaths door in a local hospital .. I advised them that it was better they went back to the UK with their boy who to be Frank never really seemed happy here..
The biggest problem was that Emmy had stayed here longer than she should (2 years) and was told that she would have to apply for some kind of visa as her ILR was no longer any good.. She says she had valid reasons for the ILR regs re: overstay but has since been refused two appeals..
Her main concern then was to get Eric and the Boy back to the UK which they have just managed to do..
The two of them are now living in a rented flat (550.00 Quid a month) in Cornwall. The rent is paid by Erics pension which leaves little for other living expenses.

Emmy was basically stuck here with no cash but as luck would have it she ran into an old friend that usually works in Saudi that viewed and purchased her property here (2.6 million) She gave her 5,000 Quid deposit which she sent to Eric in the UK.. She has 100,000 Peso`s in her bank account here with the balance of her house to be paid in 100,000 a month instalments..

She came to our place today completely confused and depressed asking what is her best course of action..
Other Brits here have advised her to get Eric to sponsor her for a new spouse visa etc..
I told her I`d ask the experts here on this forum for advice on her behalf before she even thinks about applying..
I want her to get this right so hopefully you lot can guide her..step by step..
My main concerns for them are monetary and how best to present their application with the amount of cash they have..
Also,will she still be expected to take the English test considering that she lived and worked in the UK for 14 years?
Any questions you may have for her,I will text to her and await reply..

Cheers guys,

