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Thread: Inquiry about Birth Registration & British Passport

  1. #1
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    Inquiry about Birth Registration & British Passport

    Hi everyone

    Here I am again, asking your advice and help. My husband and I are very happy that my visa was granted at last. We can now be a proper family. I just gave birth to our beautiful baby last July 28, 2011.I already got her birth certificate from NSO office. I wanted to know what are the things to comply before me and our baby could fly in UK.

    Do I need to process the CFO certificate?What are the requirements needed and how much will it cost?

    With regards to my baby, we want to register her in the British Embassy and get her British Passport. What are the requirements needed and how long will it take and how much will it cost both to process the birth registration and British passport?

    Is there anything I missed to comply? Will be glad to hear your response..

    Thank u so much..Godbless

  2. #2
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    congratulations on your new baby first child passport is £49 standard servise and £96.50 for fast trak 1 week whth birth reg in uk you have about month to reg birth that can be done in a hour if the office is not busy on the day you can try this link directgov put this on comp it has info on passports/and other services good luck others on here my be able to help with your other enuiry

  3. #3
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    i just found this Filipino emigrants are required to present the following documents for registration:

    * Original valid passport

    * Original and photocopy of visa

    * One (1) 2x2 or passport-size photograph

    * One (1) valid identification card with photograph*

    * Original and photocopy of Immigrant Data Summary (for USA-bound emigrant)*

    * Original and photocopy of Confirmation of Permanent Residence (for Canada-bound emigrant)*

    * Photocopy of Certificate of Eligibility (for Japan-bound emigrant)*

    * Original and photocopy of letter of approval for Work to Residence visa (for New Zealand-bound emigrants)*

    * Photocopy of employment contract (for immigrant workers)

    * Duly completed registration form

    * Payment of P400.00 registration fee

    * Attendance in the PDOS, guidance counseling or peer counseling session

    For youth emigrants aged 13 to 17, the following additional documents are also required:

    * Photocopy of parent's passport or valid identification card, if accompanied by parent/s during registration

    * Letter of authorization from parent/s authorizing the guardian to register the child on their behalf (if accompanied by guardian during registration)

    * Original and photocopy of DSWD travel clearance

    For children 12 years old and below, the following additional documents are required if the proxy is not the legal/natural/adoptive parent of the registrant.

    * One(1) valid identification card with photograph of the proxy

    * Special Power of Attorney or notarized authorization letter from the parent/s/ or guardian/s authorizing the proxy to register the minor children.

  4. #4
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeanelovesdeano View Post
    Hi everyone

    Here I am again, asking your advice and help. My husband and I are very happy that my visa was granted at last. We can now be a proper family. I just gave birth to our beautiful baby last July 28, 2011.I already got her birth certificate from NSO office. I wanted to know what are the things to comply before me and our baby could fly in UK.

    Do I need to process the CFO certificate?What are the requirements needed and how much will it cost?

    With regards to my baby, we want to register her in the British Embassy and get her British Passport. What are the requirements needed and how long will it take and how much will it cost both to process the birth registration and British passport?

    Is there anything I missed to comply? Will be glad to hear your response..

    Thank u so much..Godbless
    Congratulations on the success of your visa and your new baby

    For CFO you will need to attend the (PDOS) Pre-Depature Orientation seminar then the CFO sticker. The fee will be Php 250 for seminar and Php 400 for CFO.

    Regarding the birth registration, this is not a requirement but The advantages of a Consular birth registration are:
    • A British style birth certificate is available as evidence of British nationality
    • A record of the birth will afterwards be held in the General Registry Office in the United Kingdom

    The cost of registration will be about £170 (Php 12,240)

    For the passport, the fee is £81.50 (Php 5,868) plus a courier fee of £23.01 (Php 1,657) The timing for the new passport is around 6 weeks.

  5. #5
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    thanks hawk and rusty.Can I ask if who will be the one to fill up the form?is it my husband?..where I could find the BMD 001/007 form?cant find it in the website..One of the requirements for the passport is two pcs of passport photographs of the child. One must be endorsed by a signatory. The signatory needs to be a professional British citizen who has known you for at least two years.. Do I need to send the passport photograph of our baby to him so he can find someone in UK to endorsed the passport photograph by a signatory?

  6. #6
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Either yourself or your husband can complete the form.

    Form BMD 001/007 is the Birth Registration Form, the link to this form is in the related documents in the earlier link.

    The requirements states that if you do not know a British National, or a Commonwealth citizen with these qualifications, then a Philippine citizen may complete and sign the form, provided he/she has a similar standing in the Philippines, and has known you for at least two (2) years. A member of your family should not countersign the passport form.

    When we applied for our son, we got a friend of the family who is a school teacher.

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