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Thread: dependent visa for my mother

  1. #1
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    dependent visa for my mother

    hi need help please.i wanted to invite my mother from the philippines over here in UK but dont know the step by step procedure.the uk border agency is quite confussing at times.anyone who has done this before please help...thank you so much
    live and let live

  2. #2
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    hmmm good question keeperlit i mylself is asking the same question lets wait for some inf here
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  3. #3
    Member Mret77's Avatar
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    Hi keeperlit. Good post. I am thinking of inviting my mum too. I will keep an eye on this. Hopefully will get some help here.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2011
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    Hi keeperlit!

    It's just the same like applying for fiance or spouse visa, you must give all requirements, Council tax bill, tenancy or any proof of address, proof of income etc.... but you must provide documents that will prove that your mother is dependent on you financially, that you don't have any brother or sister or any close relative who can look after her financially and proof that you are in constant communication with her...

    Elderly and other dependent relatives
    This page explains how you can come to live permanently in the UK as an elderly dependent relative of someone who is already a permanent resident here.
    If you are a parent, grandparent or other dependant relative of a British citizen or a person settled in the UK (known as your 'settled relative'), you can apply for permission to settle permanently here (known as 'indefinite leave to enter or remain').
    Can you apply?
    As well as partners and children under 18, the following relatives can apply to join a settled person in the UK:
    widowed mothers and widowed fathers aged 65 or over; and
    parents or grandparents who are travelling together, if one of them is aged 65 or over.
    You must provide evidence that:
    you depend wholly or mainly on your settled relative for money;
    you (and any dependants you have) can and will be maintained and housed adequately, without needing public funds, in accommodation which your settled relative owns or occupies exclusively; and
    you have no other close relatives in your own country who can support you financially.

    Hope this helps!

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by keeperlit View Post
    hi need help please.i wanted to invite my mother from the philippines over here in UK but dont know the step by step procedure.the uk border agency is quite confussing at times.anyone who has done this before please help...thank you so much
    Seems you are in early stages of the idea.
    Take a look here as a first step:-

    There's also a number of links included that do provide other important info especially
    about The Sponsor's Maintenance and Accommodation Undertaking

    Hope it will help you.

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