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Thread: Probably the only Philippines related post in here!

  1. #1
    Member Tropicalpenpals's Avatar
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    Probably the only Philippines related post in here!

    After 4 years of trying to develop business in the Philippines I am pretty much heading home dismayed at the way people operate. Not all failings by the way just that the time invested does not justify the business development that has happened and just wanted to warn others as it seems common pitfalls that people have.

    Application for a job :- gave the job and they texted shortly after "is it ok I start in two weeks as its fiesta in my province?". For me its unacceptable at the same time would interview others so said "ok". Why interview more? because after 2 weeks she never answered the phone. Often people go back to the provinces and get persuaded to stay which is why we went through 2 yaya's and countless applicants in a short period of time until we now have a reliable working student.

    Business meetings :- Organised an organic farmer with over 16 hectares of farming on Negros to meet up and develop a business with restaurants and other businesses I am on good terms with on a partnership basis. 3 times I set up the meetings and 3 times the guy never showed up, didn't answer his phone and would then text out of the blue a month later as if nothing happened with a lame excuse. There is good demand for organic and fish produce for the cities from the provinces if you can get the right staff.

    Internet :- Internet seems to be worse than ever lately although we don't suffer with power issues. Problem is I am looking to develop web businesses but simply can't get a good enough infrastructure to gamble on expanding what we do already. On top of that finding the right staff is near impossible as they quote "foreign prices" based on what they are seeing what others are paid on the internet. Even though they do not work on the internet or have any business contacts or contracts that earn them access to the money. There is a saying your only worth what the market will pay but many people would rather not work than actually develop an ongoing business that would prosper over time once they have built up a reputation.

    Corruption :- This remains a big issue and is only likely to create more problems in the future rather than decline. Looking at the current "buddying up" between the Taipans of the Philippines and China your going to see an increase in activity of the Filipino rich accessing China and in return flooding the Philippines with Chinese goods damaging the majority of businesses in the Philippines which is mainly small scale. Rich getting richer while the poor get poorer.

    All in all :- After 4 years we have made a sustainable income in the Philippines and could stop here for the next 20 years at the same time is it worth it? I can return to the UK drop back into surveying, take my wife and kids with me and have a life that even in the current economic climate will be a lot healthier for the family as well as the possiblities of gaining a good education without a strange sense of nationalism being drummed into them at school as well as religion.

    Not really bitter just disappointed to be honest as a lot of the things above are trivial but actually stop real business development. The UK has its problems at the same time I do believe having a mixed bag between the UK and the Philippines utilizing both countries is a better solution rather than banging my head off the wall in the Philippines.

  2. #2
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    sorry to hear your tale of frustaration, most ex pats I know who have businesses in the Phils have similar tales, my own tip for what it is worth is keep it small ,stay under the radar of potential jealous connected locals who will compete with you if you make to much money and rely on a Uk income source such as propery rental for your main money. That being said our rice farms and now the small piggery are making decent returns and keep some relatives gainfully employed, just my wife keeps them on tight rein in case of any skimming... and they are family.

    a wise old hand in Palawan told me if you want to make a small fortune here bring a big one
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  3. #3
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    Been there done that, bought the tee-shirt as they say.

    I've always tried to follow the maxim of an Australian multi-millionaire who I met out in the Phils in 1990.

    'Make your money in the 1st world country and spend it in the 3rd world one.'

    I've found that alternating between the UK and the Phils has been the best solution for me, but the education of children does come into it at a later stage, but having said that....not as crucial as I'd imagined, until university stage.

    Above all, never sell property in the UK to finance adventures or business ventures overseas.

    In my experience those expats who 'appear' to be doing well in business in the Phils know how to work the system there and have particularly savvy wives.
    There is no way around local traditions (ie corruption ) ....certainly if one intends to survive there for a long period.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Waste of time ranting about the state of Pinas because it is what it is
    In my experience those expats who 'appear' to be doing well in business in the Phils know how to work the system there and have particularly savvy wives

    Its all about connections,and wives who have influential family or connections.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Ive gone bust here many times..You name it...Like many others ive tried it..
    Doing OK now as I refuse to invest in anything but land , property and rentals to foreigners..
    I will not do any type of business where I have to personally interact with a Filipino as I wish to remain relatively sane... I didn't come here to live to experience stress.

    Regards to kids schooling..
    My daughter is happy in school here and says she wants to be a lawyer..Here!! So Im happy for her to continue on that course..
    My son wants to be like his big brother and go to a UK university one day..
    This has presented me with many problems and challenges as a high school diploma or even 2 years in college is not recognised in the UK.. Had I not found out about a good IGCSE course for him to study at home,I would probably be stuck there in Britain myself while he went back to school.
    Each 2 year course cost me 350 Quid..For that he gets 5 British tutors to guide him through.. So far he has been doing really well..
    Here`s a few of the courses he has decided to take..

  6. #6
    Member Tropicalpenpals's Avatar
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    agree it is what it is at the same time its not those connections i either want or need. Everyone has a hand out and wants way more than any purpose they can serve which defeats the object of dealing with them. At the same time the confusing part is many of the business options don't need them yet those skilled seem to lack commitment. Not sure why as in the same breath of telling you how hard life is and they really need a job will say they didn't come in yesterday because it was raining.

  7. #7
    Member Tropicalpenpals's Avatar
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    Its good that you can get the GCSE's as they will be recognised internationally. The college education is a major one in later years and quite rightly you've gone down a route of finding something that is recognised. Problem I have is in later years if the kids wanted to go outside of the Philippines without a recognised qualification it would be difficult. No doubt your daughters interest in law will stay in the Philippines. At the same time would be looking for my kids to drop into engineering somewhere and being able to get them Siemens trained for example would make a big difference with being able to go anywhere over something local. But also its monitary we have enough money to live comfortably in the Philippines but you start to wonder why do you want to work full-time for 1/4 of what you can be earning in the UK with less hours? Add to that being able for my wife to work as well there you can pretty much pick your life in the Philippines in the future if wanted. The one we have at the moment is probably better than most but for me in my 30s its too dull and slow paced from what I am used to.

  8. #8
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    Sadly these are the facts of life in the Phils that expats have to come to accept.

    Some expats naturally find it more difficult to deal with than others....but I'm sure we've all 'lost it' at one time or another.

    For instance, here I'm picturing myself marching out of the house with a rip saw, intent on sawing through the trunk of the large Avacado tree in my garden which was occupied by a Filipino neighbour busy stealing my fruit, and refusing to come wife standing out their too, carving knife in hand and screaming abuse at the thieving

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Anyone interested in a home study course for kids or adults ...
    They are based in Cambridge..

  10. #10
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Very good subjects Fred, if he manages to get 2 As and a B in the same subjects at A level Fred he will have an easy path into all the top Universities. Crack the whip

  11. #11
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    If this is available now Fred then when my little ones are of secondary schooling age we should be fine to home school in Palawan with a good teacher onsite if that suits us at the time. Not sure if there is any law that they have to go to school there.. need to check closer to the time, still toddlers at the moment. Good luck with their studies..
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  12. #12
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Very good subjects Fred, if he manages to get 2 As and a B in the same subjects at A level Fred he will have an easy path into all the top Universities. Crack the whip
    Cheers, Alan.. This was a big decision for me and a huge responsibility to take on as I was always pretty far from being an academic student..(couldnt wait to get out!!)
    That said..So far so good..
    If this is available now Fred then when my little ones are of secondary schooling age we should be fine to home school in Palawan with a good teacher onsite if that suits us at the time.
    On the contrary scott..
    By then this type of thing will be the norm which will give us all realistic options as responsible parents if you wish to live here.. I have been in touch with the British school in Manila to find out if he can take his exams there...There`s a good chance he can but I have booked a place provisionally with NEC in a Cambridge exam center in two years..Just in case.

  13. #13
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    If it will give you guys some reassurance, a friend of mine (married to the ex's cousin) had two boys, both born and raised in the Phils until they were in their late teens.

    They were very bright boys, but always attended the local schools until High School, and then a reasonably good private school was found for them.

    The whole family then headed for the UK (my friend having spent 25 years in the Phils), and the boys went off to college here, and then on to University.
    They both have good degrees now, and are totally adjusted to the British way of life...being charming and polite young men.

    Sadly my friend passed away in November last year, but he left behind two sons to be proud of, and a widow who lives just around the corner from me.

  14. #14
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    thanks Fred and Graham, I must admit apart from healthcare (touchwood so far I am fit and healthy) my only concerns about working out of Palawan was the later schooling of our little darlings.
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tropicalpenpals View Post
    agree it is what it is at the same time its not those connections i either want or need. Everyone has a hand out and wants way more than any purpose they can serve which defeats the object of dealing with them. At the same time the confusing part is many of the business options don't need them yet those skilled seem to lack commitment. Not sure why as in the same breath of telling you how hard life is and they really need a job will say they didn't come in yesterday because it was raining.
    Seems strange that this happens as many OFW have great reputations for being hard workers.
    Maybe the ones that leave are more motivated.

  16. #16
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    All four of the children pictured here (in the Phils) are at British universities now, or have already graduated from one, after having been for the most part educated in the Philippines. (The little girl passed 12 GCSEs and 4 'A' Levels).

  17. #17
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    nice of you sharing your disappointed story. It's not really shocking or something new as what the other members shared w/ their own views & experiences in 'Pinas. Having a "white husband" is a very stressfull to any Pinay wife as well. Especially in the province area. Sometimes, I am pi$Łed off that despite of saying "no thank your, we are ok", they still come near to you sell, promote, asking even taxi haven't feel the heat of your bum inside the car, they asked you plus the meter already this makes me sad as well. They look at me with a white man thinking I am that rich...& they will call you snob if u try to get away from them. I am happy with the family around with my husband as nobody pisses us off. But if we are together alone then that's it.
    When it comes to work, my husband even cannot understand why I am on leave from work & yet the company still texting, phoning & even asked me to come over in the office. He said if you're on a holiday u are on a holiday...& I just realized he's right
    If you can't say something nice. SHUT UP!. Simple.

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