Ive gone bust here many times..You name it...Like many others ive tried it..
Doing OK now as I refuse to invest in anything but land , property and rentals to foreigners..
I will not do any type of business where I have to personally interact with a Filipino as I wish to remain relatively sane... I didn't come here to live to experience stress.

Regards to kids schooling..
My daughter is happy in school here and says she wants to be a lawyer..Here!! So Im happy for her to continue on that course..
My son wants to be like his big brother and go to a UK university one day..
This has presented me with many problems and challenges as a high school diploma or even 2 years in college is not recognised in the UK.. Had I not found out about a good IGCSE course for him to study at home,I would probably be stuck there in Britain myself while he went back to school.
Each 2 year course cost me 350 Quid..For that he gets 5 British tutors to guide him through.. So far he has been doing really well..
Here`s a few of the courses he has decided to take..