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Thread: Visa documents

  1. #1
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    Sorry to see that no-one has offered anything from their experience with VFS.

    I haven't got any personal experience of what VFS prefer.
    My own opinion would be to keep things as simple as possible.

    Hopefully, some of those members with actual recent experience will add some comments soon.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by John_10 View Post
    Hi this is John
    My Wife Maricris will soon be applying for her Settlement visa to join me here in the uk. I would like to know how Maricris is to present the documents to the VFS. We have 2 hard backed binders 1 with origanals and the other binder copies.. within these binders all our documents seperated with plastic inserts... very organised... or will this cause great stress to the people looking at Maricris's application. Or should it just be 2 neat piles of documents no plastic inserts 1 of origanals the other copies.
    You would probably be best just having 2 neat piles, one originals, one copies as you say. The VFS guys will take out any plastic inserts and take everything out of any folders/binders you have used I believe.

    When my wife submitted her evidence, we had it in 2 piles. Instead of plastic inserts, we just seperated each section with a piece of paper with the number of the section on it.

    I have just asked my wife what happened when she submitted her stuff and she's just said that the VFS lady seperated out our nice piles into sections working through the checklist themselves. So it sounds like I wouldn't go to too much effort yourself as long as when the VFS get hold of your evidence, they can easily seperate it out themselves.

  3. #3
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    With my VFS experience last year. They took out the neatly and well cross-referenced documents and put them in two separate files. One is the originals and the other are the photocopies.
    You can follow the checklist for the order of the documents to save time at VFS that way your wife can have her biometrics taken as soon as she finished submitting her documents.
    Life as we make it

  4. #4
    Member guyki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John_10 View Post
    Hi this is John
    My Wife Maricris will soon be applying for her Settlement visa to join me here in the uk. I would like to know how Maricris is to present the documents to the VFS. We have 2 hard backed binders 1 with origanals and the other binder copies.. within these binders all our documents seperated with plastic inserts... very organised... or will this cause great stress to the people looking at Maricris's application. Or should it just be 2 neat piles of documents no plastic inserts 1 of origanals the other copies.
    Hi John

    we submitted 3 plastic file binders. 1 with all my docs,1 with my wifes docs,application form and so on the last one contained all the photocopies and photographs spanning when we first met right up to our wedding day

    When she went to the VFS(18 July) although they took the docs out to check them they were put back the same way and submitted to the British Embassy,I just thought that by submitting the application and docs this way it made it easier for the Embassy to check off

    Anyway good luck with the application,you mentioned you may use hard back binders?? i would personally change them for the soft plastic back type binders as they're very strict at VFS

  5. #5
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Hi John, sorry not signed in here earlier.
    Yes everything was taken out of the plastic wallet/folders. I did put paper inserts, between different sections, i.e. financial, chatlogs etc. with headings on them...My wife arranged them though, when she received them, to how she wanted them.

    When she handed them in, the teller said we had submitted a very neat application...I'm usually rubbish, at filling in forms, but we both took extra time & care to get things right.

    Another woman handing in an application, at the same time, had hers all over the floor, trying to put it together, whilst her foreigner husband moaned at her to hurry up.

    Anyway, do it how you think best & they will remove your documents if neccessary.

    Good luck! to you both.

  6. #6
    Respected Member John_10's Avatar
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    Hi this is John thanks to everyone for your response. We now know how we should present all our Docs to the VFS. got to get these things right dont want our application refused because of bad preperation. Thanks

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