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  1. #1
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Yes we all know to bank and I hope use our Email with https especially on a network outside of your home network.

    But try and use as much as you can please

    Same with facebook and twitter go to the options section and select https if possible connection. You get a slight performance loss (I doubt many will notice)

    The reason for saying this a friend of the Wifes has just had her facebook account hijacked!!!
    The account has been recovered after some assistance...

    It looks like from using a Wifi connection at a coffeshop she has had her login details compromised.

    I don't need to tell any of the Pinays and Pinoys abroad how important a facebook account is and its loss even for a short while is very painful..

    It takes seconds to setup or add a s to http, if you have firefox you can get an addon to check if a secure version of the webpage. Also many major websites now use https or are starting to use and the more that people use

    For google you can try this beta or search once logged into gmail. But remember the page you click on in the results may not be secure.

    For facebook go the account settings then security and enable secure browsing. This will not let you use the games but will let you browse post and view pictures etc.

    With your mobile you will still need to insert the s to the http and then bookmark even if set up in your facebook account to use https. Again remember if use browse via the free wifi connection on your phone and not with 3G your at possible risk.

    In twitter go to settings and scroll down and look for https only.

    If you use google plus it seems to default to https

    All major email providers should provide https at least for login but i would strongly recommend using one which uses thoughout if possible.

    Also if there is a website you use which does not use https for when you login or access sensitive data write and politely mention you wonder why they don't have. It does cost more and there are other resource factors but companies will possibly only do if there is pressure to provide!!
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  2. #2
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    i always use https in all sites you said Andy..and thanks for posting this thread coz i know there are still lots who don't know about this..

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Nice info.
    Simple, but important for those who don't know. Thanks

  4. #4
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Salmat po's

    I posted after what for one of the Wifes friends was and I don't think i'm overstating the point a traumatic ordeal. As she was a non techy hardworking ofw who had all her pics on facebook and many she was unsure if anywhere else contacts messages and well things that kept her going though the tougher days away from home and loved ones..

    SHe was lucky as she contacted my Wife after realising she could not get on and something was up as the wife saw her online.

    By freaky coincidence I was in a break of a meeting of many of the internet expert geek types we have in our European network of op co's at the time. Thankfully two of these people used some very black hat skills in a very white hat way

    I won't mention how they regained control of her account and actually took control of the slimeball's PC who took over her account, but I would advise people to be very careful what they accept as applications and links on facebook!!!

    The best bit was once the two hackers had regained control, locked the account down and made sure all was well that it was "a OK" they let me know to ring up the Missus to pass on the good news. When the wife rang back and said her friend hoped that she could treat the two guys to a slap up dinner bringing down some of her workmates for travel company both turned bright red and made their excuses
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  5. #5
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    Thanks Andy, as always helpful information for non-computer experts like me
    For those of us with facebook accounts ( I know members have very different views about facebook ! ) it's worth clicking on " Account " ( top right hand corner ), then " Privacy settings " , to manage status updates, photos and profile information. Then click on " editing your profile " to view your own profile, also what your " friends " see compared to " everyone else " on facebook.

  6. #6
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Thanks Andy, as always helpful information for non-computer experts like me
    For those of us with facebook accounts ( I know members have very different views about facebook ! ) it's worth clicking on " Account " ( top right hand corner ), then " Privacy settings " , to manage status updates, photos and profile information. Then click on " editing your profile " to view your own profile, also what your " friends " see compared to " everyone else " on facebook.
    Walang aunam Doc Alan po and its worth mentally putting aside time every now and then to check your Social media accounts. As history has shown for new functions or decisions taken by the companies to put certain users at risk with new features the user does not fully understand or is not aware off..

    The founder of Facebook was caught out once by a change in function with his family photos suddenly made available to the world so it can happen to anyone!!

    I would also if any younger family in phill are going for jobs or other positions where having the potential employer knowing your family are OFW's or Rich westerners may not help!!!

    The Wife's younger daughter just got a job and this was partly due to her having a locked down account as the other main candidate for the role left her account open so the wide world could see her list of friends and what have you. The wife's sister over heard two ladies gossiping about her (the other applicant) soon after that it was thought that the girl was to well off as she had what looked like family in the middle east as OFW's from what they saw on Facebook!!!

    Also due to the huge difference in typical earning power between here and the phills etc just because back in pinas as a pinay or pinoy getting by you left your account open to all.. Please now think carefuly what you do as for example once that dangerous application/user or link is in your "circle of friends" as people pass it around more people will until people notice an issue.

    Now if you are in phill possibly use a different internet cafe pc everytime or your mobile phone to access facebook and don't do any internet banking or use for paying houshold bills or internet shopping you might not notice anything is up.

    If that same application with malware is passed round those in western and other richer countries housholds then those typically in many parts of phill
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  7. #7
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    I won't mention how they regained control of her account and actually took control of the slimeball's PC who took over her account, but I would advise people to be very careful what they accept as applications and links on facebook!!!

    If you can't say something nice. SHUT UP!. Simple.

  8. #8
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    Thanks for this I don't use any so called "social network" sites but I will certainly be using the https on relevant sites in future. I'll tell the Mrs

  9. #9
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    NP Sir

    Also just like to say at the moment all the major Social Media Websites are changing at a dramatic rate and not all functions are the same on all devices/accounts.

    One thing to be aware of is face recognition I can't recall if Facebook kept using as many were complaing as rolled out across the world* This would search the world of Facebook for pictures of people (a bit of a in a nutshell explanation)

    A few months ago a test work account with a few simple pictures of me and others but with no mention of external emails,contact details or names then very quickly had our friends and family seeing these test accounts as suggested friends the only link was the photos!!

    *Please note Facebook will test on a small percentage of devices certain ideas, formats and options these small amounts can be tens of millions sometimes some of the ideas are not always very well announced to a non techy audience so do pay attention in case something looks different on the screen...

    There are ways if not paying attention to end up with people seeing public classified statuses and public classified posts by subscribing!! You possibly don't get notified very clearly who is subscribing to this if you set it up.

    Many of the new groups, levels of access and options im sure many don't really compute what they mean if they don't have at least a background in I.T.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  10. #10
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    Why do you always get messages saying like if you see in your browser to get out of it because someone else can get your info or something?? (I don't really understand that it is obviously)
    Last edited by KeithD; 11th October 2011 at 10:45.

  11. #11
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    For banking, email and Facebook accounts I always use a secure HTTPS connection AND 2-factor authentication. It means I must have my mobile with me at all times and I take the extra precaution to ensure the SIM card and the handset are both password-protected.

    I have also started to use HIDE MY ASS VPN service to ensure that ALL traffic is encrypted - at least between me and the HMA server; this includes ALL internet facing programs, such as browsers and Instant Messengers.

    You can never be too careful!

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