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  1. #1
    Trusted Member
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    Thanks Andy, as always helpful information for non-computer experts like me
    For those of us with facebook accounts ( I know members have very different views about facebook ! ) it's worth clicking on " Account " ( top right hand corner ), then " Privacy settings " , to manage status updates, photos and profile information. Then click on " editing your profile " to view your own profile, also what your " friends " see compared to " everyone else " on facebook.

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Thanks Andy, as always helpful information for non-computer experts like me
    For those of us with facebook accounts ( I know members have very different views about facebook ! ) it's worth clicking on " Account " ( top right hand corner ), then " Privacy settings " , to manage status updates, photos and profile information. Then click on " editing your profile " to view your own profile, also what your " friends " see compared to " everyone else " on facebook.
    Walang aunam Doc Alan po and its worth mentally putting aside time every now and then to check your Social media accounts. As history has shown for new functions or decisions taken by the companies to put certain users at risk with new features the user does not fully understand or is not aware off..

    The founder of Facebook was caught out once by a change in function with his family photos suddenly made available to the world so it can happen to anyone!!

    I would also if any younger family in phill are going for jobs or other positions where having the potential employer knowing your family are OFW's or Rich westerners may not help!!!

    The Wife's younger daughter just got a job and this was partly due to her having a locked down account as the other main candidate for the role left her account open so the wide world could see her list of friends and what have you. The wife's sister over heard two ladies gossiping about her (the other applicant) soon after that it was thought that the girl was to well off as she had what looked like family in the middle east as OFW's from what they saw on Facebook!!!

    Also due to the huge difference in typical earning power between here and the phills etc just because back in pinas as a pinay or pinoy getting by you left your account open to all.. Please now think carefuly what you do as for example once that dangerous application/user or link is in your "circle of friends" as people pass it around more people will until people notice an issue.

    Now if you are in phill possibly use a different internet cafe pc everytime or your mobile phone to access facebook and don't do any internet banking or use for paying houshold bills or internet shopping you might not notice anything is up.

    If that same application with malware is passed round those in western and other richer countries housholds then those typically in many parts of phill
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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