Slow news day for the BBC.......
Slow news day for the BBC.......
If you can't say something nice.
SHUT UP!. Simple.
Wow... shock ..... horror ... sweet and sour contains a lot of sugar.... it took research to discover that then?
.... they could have just looked up the meaning of the word 'sweet' it'd been quicker and cheaper
..... and it contains 2/3rds of your daily recommended fat intake ... well it is the main meal of the day
Keith - Administrator
better to cook our own sweet and sour food...
(I use brown sugar or sweetener).
Also observed, I gained weight with the chinese take away![]()
If you can't say something nice.
SHUT UP!. Simple.
i have it once or 2x a weekthen realized my cholesterol gone up so I behaved. It's my last resort
if I miss pinoy foods as I luv the chinese/ dimsum in Cebu. Then I've been naughty again early this year...then realized I was preggy
If you can't say something nice.
SHUT UP!. Simple.
I just read about this on my yahoo.
Being a tight-fisted person, fortunately it is probably 20 years since I bought one of these the rip-off prices they charge.
I have a natural aversion to anything cooked by total strangers out of my sight too, so home-cooked it is, and then I know exactly what's in it, how fresh it is, and where it has been.
I can't believe how much money people waste on buying and eating crap.
Edited to add...I'm excusing Dominos, as they're providing my son with part-time work at the moment.![]()
home cook is always the best. Me & hubby loves to cook but with the bz & on the go lifestyle here, aside from take away mostly we end up taost & coffee/ tea...or batchelors cup a soup
then snoreeee getting ready for another day
Wish mum is here.
If you can't say something nice.
SHUT UP!. Simple.
its funny coz when i frist came here, i dont appreciate the fish and chips take away foods etc.. but now! ih dear im loving it lol! maybe after couple of years i will gain weight lol!
Marlyn & Kenny forever
I'm pretty much the same Graham, I like to cook my own food for both hygene and health reasons. I'm not against fast food or takeaways occasionally, and I will take the kids to McD or Pizza Hut once every couple of months as a treat, but I'm not a fan of crap/junk food myself unless there is no alternative. However, when I'm travelling, I do seem to live on a diet of total ..... - KFC, McD ...etc. When I was coming home last week, all I could think about on the Dubai to Brum leg of my trip was about having a nice lean chicken breast salad with fresh tomatoes, peppers...etc without fear of eating uncooked raw veg prepared by someone who hasn't washed their hands with antibac soap after they've been to the toilet![]()
It's definitely more likely in Asia that the chef's hands are not clean, but don't kid yourself that the chef in the Uk has clean hands either. It always shocks me how many men leave the Gents loos without washing their handsI'm not sure how true this is, but I once heard that bowls of peanuts/snacks on the bars of pubs have about 15 different varieties off pee in them
Phils food often " heart attack" on a plate, wish i didn't love it so much!![]()
You all worry too much
I love take-aways and even though I've cut down a fair bit nothing beats my Vindaloo
There germs everywhere and an odd germ here and there prob is good for your immune system.
Whilst stuck in gridlocked Surrey at 9pm due to M25 being shut anticlockwise between J 9 & 10 I watched 2 thirty something fat slags (one of whom needed a walking stick) loaded up with Tesco bags waddle across the road and join the queue at the Kebab Van. Disgusting.....
Last edited by Dedworth; 6th September 2011 at 00:11. Reason: Illustration added
The fact that we're alive depends on eating and drinking every day, and the human brain evolved a pleasure response to it for survival. There's actually a name for obsession with healthy eating - orthorexia - which can lead to the same obsessive compulsive symptoms as people with eating disorders.
However, obesity - with all its health hazards - is an epidemic in the UK, Philippines and most other countries in the world.
Past advice has not changed eating habits in much of the population.
A major conclusion of the survey of certain take away foods quoted by the BBC is :-
"There seems little that the consumer can do to make reasoned judgements to choose a better diet
without the proprietors providing the information at the point of sale to inform the decision". ( I've added the link to the original article below *. )
Already McDonalds are to display calorie numbers in its UK restaurants, in which 3m people eat each day. They will point out that women need 2000 calories/day and men 2,500 calories/day - depending on factors like body build, occupation, and level of exercise. Other chains, just like supermarkets, are doing - or have already done - the same.
It remains to be seen how effective this will be, but it's a step in the right directionMore steps, and more exercise generally, would allow enjoyment of food with no sense of guilt at enjoying occasional treats of food you consider to be unhealthy. No single food is bad for you on its own, and there is no universally good or bad diet. It's obvious from current obesity levels we don't all want to be thin, healthy and live for ever. There can also be pleasant surprises, such as a recent survey showing benefits to the heart and vascular system of chocolate
. Moderation and a healthy awareness is the answer
Great post Doc Alan ....... well balanced and very informative![]()
I'm lucky that my weight has been more or less the same from age 18 to now, (but actually goes DOWN when in the Phils for any length of time).
As the Doc says, all things in moderation and plenty of exercise.
I'll still try to cook a good healthy meal for a couple of quid though, rather than risk eating something at 3 times the price that may have been scraped off the floor of some rodent-ridden kitchen.![]()
i just look at half a pound of chocolates.. and i put 3 pound on...![]()
Maybe I'll treat you after my free taxi ride then.
- Hope it's not too far out of your way.![]()
Technically...but bartering is permitted between those hailing from god's country.
As for the rest of you....not bloody likely.![]()
Well i believe on it that every food has it's own nutritional values . Some food are good but some aren't But still u can't say all takeaway foods are unhealthy . For example some peoples told that eating egg yolk is unhealthy but i am not agree with it because it is really good for skin and hairs .
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