
For settlement visa applications you need to keep any risk to the lowest level you can.
Based solely on the information you supplied the financial standing of your hubby would be seen by the ECO as marginal.
The minimum number of banks statements is 3 months (although 6 months is preferred)
Why not focus on achieving 3 or 4 months of 'good' bank statements before making application.
Believe me when I say I do know it's so tough to wait 6 months or more, but that's all about keeping a focus to ensure settlement visa success.
Visa's are expensive enough without taking any unecessary high risk (ie don't gamble)

Based on what we know now, it is highly likely that there will be significant changes to the settlement visa rules next April 2012.
My advice is to do whatever you can to make application before then.

Whatever you choose to do I wish you all the best luck.