Sadly don't have much faith in the IOM Income Tax dept after Yam arrived. First they told me it was ok and I could have her allowance immediately, so for one month i paid hardly any tax. Then they told me sorry it was a mistake, so now when I do finally do my tax return, I'm probably going to get a bill for the few hundred quid I didn't pay that month! Then a few months later I got a tax bill for over £4000. When I queried it with them, they realised they'd actually billed me for the tax year we were in the middle of!
If you're missus struggles to get a job in the hotel side of things, maybe try Tesco. Despite them saying regularly that there are no jobs available, new faces seem to appear all the time! My wife was a teacher in the Phils, but while she trains up to teach on the island, Tesco has been her employer while she's been here.