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Thread: Good news

  1. #1
    Member resnic123's Avatar
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    Good news

    Hi everyone
    I got great news today, my gf was granted her tourist visa.
    Thank god cos i really wanted her to come over and see what its like her in Uk.
    So we didn't have to go throught the whole fiance visa process
    Maybe next time

    I guess me meeting her 3 times in phili and taking her to Hong Kong once may have gone in my favour.
    Who knows but she is coming yippee

    Thanks all


  2. #2
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    hey congratulations

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well scouser keith will tell you, you had a few % chance of getting the tourist visa.

    thats was the few % one gone, looks like the quota for a tourist visa has been used up,next 96%+ will be refused

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Good news hope the weather improoves once she is here

  5. #5
    Member resnic123's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone

  6. #6
    Respected Member eljean's Avatar
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    nice try...wish you happiness in that time being together....
    Filipina a born survivor!

  7. #7
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by resnic123 View Post
    Hi everyone
    I got great news today, my gf was granted her tourist visa.
    Thank god cos i really wanted her to come over and see what its like her in Uk.
    So we didn't have to go throught the whole fiance visa process
    Maybe next time

    I guess me meeting her 3 times in phili and taking her to Hong Kong once may have gone in my favour.
    Who knows but she is coming yippee

    Thanks all

    Very lucky!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  8. #8
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    congRatulations SteW

  9. #9
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    tiger tigress

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  10. #10
    Member resnic123's Avatar
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    Thanks everone.
    Gonna make the best of our time together

  11. #11
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    hi stew i was just wondering does your gf have a good job,money,house etc back in the philippines because my gf doesnt and i am thinking along the same lines as you.i want my gf to sample life in england first although we are going to risk it and go for fiance visa early 2008.
    unless your gf is in the same position as mine ie no reason to go back to phili in the eco's eyes

  12. #12
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hello Resnic123!

    PLease let me know how did your girlfriend go about the tourist visa? What were the things she showed to the emabassy that she was granted a tourist visa/Im happy for you. But then I am quite sad cause I need a tourist visa which I found out that its really hard to get one. I am planning to go to U.K. 6 months from now sponsored by a friend who will get married this november here in Philippines.

    Please let me know what to do.

    thank you so much for your attention .

    Any advice please is very much appreciated

  13. #13
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zabby123 View Post
    Hello Resnic123!

    PLease let me know how did your girlfriend go about the tourist visa? What were the things she showed to the emabassy that she was granted a tourist visa/Im happy for you. But then I am quite sad cause I need a tourist visa which I found out that its really hard to get one. I am planning to go to U.K. 6 months from now sponsored by a friend who will get married this november here in Philippines.

    Please let me know what to do.

    thank you so much for your attention .

    Any advice please is very much appreciated
    You will need;
    bank statements, payslips, or some other evidence to show that you can pay for the trip and that you have enough money to support yourself and any dependants without working or getting any help from public funds, and
    evidence that you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit (for example, a letter from your employer).

    If you are visiting family or friends you will need:

    a letter from your sponsor (the person you are visiting) explaining your relationship with them and the purpose of your visit, and
    a copy of the bio-data page (the page containing their photograph) of their UK passport or, if they are not a UK national, evidence of their immigration status in the United Kingdom.

    If your sponsor will be supporting you during your visit, or paying for the cost of the visit, you will need:

    payslips, bank statements, or some other evidence to show that they have enough money to support you.

    Or visit the website below
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by resnic123 View Post
    Hi everyone
    I got great news today, my gf was granted her tourist visa.
    Thank god cos i really wanted her to come over and see what its like her in Uk.
    So we didn't have to go throught the whole fiance visa process
    Maybe next time

    I guess me meeting her 3 times in phili and taking her to Hong Kong once may have gone in my favour.
    Who knows but she is coming yippee

    Thanks all


    Thats Unusual anyway Congrats and Gudluck.Job well done for you both
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    You will need;
    bank statements, payslips, or some other evidence to show that you can pay for the trip and that you have enough money to support yourself and any dependants without working or getting any help from public funds, and
    evidence that you intend to leave the UK at the end of your visit (for example, a letter from your employer).

    If you are visiting family or friends you will need:

    a letter from your sponsor (the person you are visiting) explaining your relationship with them and the purpose of your visit, and
    a copy of the bio-data page (the page containing their photograph) of their UK passport or, if they are not a UK national, evidence of their immigration status in the United Kingdom.

    If your sponsor will be supporting you during your visit, or paying for the cost of the visit, you will need:

    payslips, bank statements, or some other evidence to show that they have enough money to support you.

    Or visit the website below

    Thank you so much for the attention I really fear for I might be denied. Ohh i dont know.But thanks a lot. COngratulations to you and your wife!

  16. #16
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    i need some help, i've been here in the uk for the last 3 years, i have a daughter age 8 y/o and im planning to get her asap in time of my wedding this october, what's the bst thing for me to apply for her visa as my dependant, or family visitor/ which is easier and less expensive and less hasle?i gave birth to her illigitimately, and am not married.

  17. #17
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chazz1018 View Post
    i need some help, i've been here in the uk for the last 3 years, i have a daughter age 8 y/o and im planning to get her asap in time of my wedding this october, what's the bst thing for me to apply for her visa as my dependant, or family visitor/ which is easier and less expensive and less hasle?i gave birth to her illigitimately, and am not married.
    Hiya i guess i have same case as you send me a pm
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chazz1018 View Post

    i need some help, i've been here in the uk for the last 3 years, i have a daughter age 8 y/o and im planning to get her asap in time of my wedding this october, what's the bst thing for me to apply for her visa as my dependant, or family visitor/ which is easier and less expensive and less hasle?i gave birth to her illigitimately, and am not married.
    as no one has helped yet, i'll try, a few questions thou ..
    you've been in the uk 3 years ? on what visa? a workpermit ?
    do you have 'sole custody' of your daughter and is the fathers name on her birth cert ? does she have any contact with her father, and do you ?
    also who's looking after her now ?

    also are you planning on living permenantly in the uk with your daughter ?

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