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  1. #1
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    dependent children

    hello all

    my wife is now in the first few weeks of her FLR , we have been discussing to bring her 10 yr old daughter here now rather than wait too long.

    there is no issue regarding permission of the father as he disapeared before she was born and was never put on the birth certificate.

    of course we need to get her a passport, i hear on the grapevine that the child must attend a seminar something like her mother did before she came here on fiancee visa but i cant find any info on this, any ideas?

    also does anyone know of any other requirements there are for a child to come here to be with her mother.

    best regards to all who have been sucessful in getting here to there loved ones and good luck to all still waiting.

    john and alona

  2. #2
    Respected Member melmart's Avatar
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    dependent child

    i came here in england just last year and my visa was a fiance visa.i do have a son age 5 back in the philippines and im planning to let him come here and be with me by next year.i've never never heard of a seminar about this matter and i think the child must only have a visa to be able to come in the here for good.yes my husband who is british wants to have my son over here soon and im sure it wont be difficult for him to come over.

    melissa from norfolk

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by melmart View Post
    i came here in england just last year and my visa was a fiance visa.i do have a son age 5 back in the philippines and im planning to let him come here and be with me by next year.i've never never heard of a seminar about this matter and i think the child must only have a visa to be able to come in the here for good.yes my husband who is british wants to have my son over here soon and im sure it wont be difficult for him to come over.

    melissa from norfolk
    , i got my 18 year old stepson a settlement visa.

    no, no seminar, but they might be called in for an interview at the embassy, so depending on the age of the child a adult might have to go in the interview with them.

    so you had a fiance visa last year, and so you must have FLR for 2 years ?

    yes your son needs a visa to come and join you,as a dependant of you, but before that you need to prove you have 'sole responsiblity' of your son. do a search and you will find some threads on it ..

    but is the father of your son named on his birth certificate?
    does the bio father have any contact with his son ?
    and who's looking after your son now and since you've been in the UK?

    difficult , should not be, if you can prove you have 'sole responsiblity' of him, but never take applying for a visa for granted. good luck with your son .

    read about child immigration law here

  4. #4
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    Hi John,and best wishes to you and your wife and daughter,
    i wish you all the best,and hope everything works out ,im sure it will,where theres a will theres a way,and im sure everything will be fine .I cant advise you ,im sorry,i only recently joined,and others here are kindly helping me and advising me about a number of issues,but its a great forum,and many others here will kindly advise you,
    best wishes always to you and your wife and daughter .
    Jeff and Maria.

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