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Thread: Fiancé visa

  1. #1
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    Fiancé visa

    Hi everyone! I'm new here

    I have a question regarding the fiancé visa.. If we apply for the visa I've read that we need to get married within 6 months right. The question is do we need to get Married in UK in that 6 months? What if I plan to go home in Philippines and get married there in that 6 months?

    I'm confuse in what to apply...

  2. #2
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    If you apply for a fiance visa and are successful, then you will need to marry within 6 months in the UK. If you plan to get married in the Philippines, you should get married first, then apply for a spouse visa if you wish to live in the UK with your husband/wife.


  3. #3
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    Thanks Dave ! But is it possible to apply for a fiancé visa if I just want to come now and visit my fiancé there? Our wedding is next year and I just miss him so bad..

  4. #4
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    If you just want to visit your fiance in the UK, then you should apply for a tourist visa. However, tourist visas tend to be difficult to come by, especially if your purpose of visiting is to visit your fiance.

    I believe when applying for a fiance visa, you have to show evidence that a wedding will take place. If you were to be successful in applying for a fiance visa by providing that evidence but do not intend to get married, then you would have in effect lied to the ECO which is a big no no I'm afraid.

    I understand how much you miss your fiance as I (and everybody else here) have been through the same thing and it can be very upsetting when all you want to do is be with your other half. But your safest bet if you want to be with your fiance in the UK is to either apply for a fiance visa and get married in the UK within 6 months (and then apply for an FLR), or get married in the Philippines and apply for a spouse visa.

  5. #5
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    Thanks a lot ! I will discuss this with him

  6. #6
    Respected Member
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    No worries! Good luck with whatever you decide

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaz26 View Post
    Thanks a lot ! I will discuss this with him
    Visit visa £76

    Fiance(e) Visa (Settlement Visa) £810

    Solely from a cost persepective it seems a no-brainer, to me.
    No offence intended, just try to help

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Mmm ... yes ... ... food for thought here, Jaz; to this friendly site ... and goodluck with whatever you decide.

  9. #9
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    Appreciate it !

    I just want the fastest way to see him as soon as possible and don't care about the cost really.. But I get your point terpe! Thanks

    Thank you Arthur for your warm welcome !

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jaz26 View Post
    Appreciate it !

    I just want the fastest way to see him as soon as possible and don't care about the cost really.. But I get your point terpe! Thanks

    Thank you Arthur for your warm welcome !
    A fiance(e) visa puts quite an onus on the sponsor in terms of financial status, accommodation and evidence that you will both actually get married and that you plan to live together in UK.

    A tourist visit visa for quite a long visit between b/f and g/f will require evidence of significant support in financial resources and/or very compelling reasons that you will leave the UK within the time limits.

    If your objective is really to secure the fastest way to see him regardless of cost then pay for his ticket to have him visit you.

    Just my opinion

  11. #11
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    Good idea ! I wish he could get another time off but he's really busy at the moment.. He just got back there after living and working in Singapore for 3 years!

  12. #12
    Member Alona's Avatar
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    Visit visa...

  13. #13
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    Hello Jaz

    If you apply for a fiance visa to the UK then you need to submit evidence that you intend to marry in the UK. So It appears that it needs to be in the UK.
    Its far much easier to get married in the Philippines and then file a spousal visa at the British Embassy in Manila.

    The requirements are more or less the same.

    Hope this helps

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