Its Gib day saturday,got a few mates coming over from the UK for the weekend for it,great atmosphere at the moment on the rock,everyones getting their red and white clothing ready for saturday

Property?I am livingin a hotel out of a suitcase at the moment as plans are changeable but I have viewed a huge 3 bedroom apartment,they were still fitting the kitchen in when I visited it,incredible view of the rock from the living room window,that was just a 10 minute walk into La Linea over in Spain,it is 700 euros a month,I have also checked out a modest 2 bedroom apartment here on the rock for £1200 a month though the same estate agent also has 1 bedrooom apartments on his books from £800 a month,might be here till christmas or might fly to blighty tomorrow,things arent panning out how I imagined,thats life