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Thread: my down side..

  1. #1
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Post my down side..

    hi..everyone..i have few friends and i believe to them and i love them.. though we all have our own life to be busy ..and i have to say that ive been busy doing my own thing and my fault that i have not manage to communicate with them..which i feel sorry for my i feel jealous when im not into those fun times that i should be there..

    though i celebrate my last month birthday with a surprise dinner with my friends planned by my husband.. i just miss being around but its always hard to me to make that decision to be around with them.. i wish i can manage call a friend anytime specially in need when i want something to talk about it..

    have good day safe...

  2. #2
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    and i do understand that feeling pocahontas..been on that stage that i felt im in between.. but you'll get can manage it ..all you need is to focus in your time
    A place for everything, everything in its place.

  3. #3
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    Everyone is so busy these days...easy to get wrapped up in family life.

  4. #4
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    Time management can be very tricky.
    We have 24 hours each day, but we cannot save or store those hours for future use.
    (wish we could)
    Sometimes we need to be firm and strong in our objectives for using time.
    Whether we like it or not we use our time according to the priorities we give.
    We should never say we didn't do something because 'I ran out of time' or 'I just did not have the time', what we really mean is that, for whatever reasons we did allocate a high enough priority to those things we didn't do.
    My personal priority is my family. But friends do come pretty high too. Well some of them.
    Well a few
    Sometimes we just don't like to admit we made those choices.

    I used this time to write this reply. I gave it a higher priority than downing a glass of lager, which has now reached top priority.

  5. #5
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Thank you guys for sharing your thoughts...

    In my case we don't have kids yet and my husbands family is down in London and we live up here in west Yorkshire .. Well I guess I'd just really need to learn how to manage my time between my time husband, work and to give time and attention for my friends.. is just so busy...

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    ......Well I guess I'd just really need to learn how to manage my time between my time husband, work and to give time and attention for my friends......
    ...and if you had a baby you'd have little time for the above 3
    Keith - Administrator

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