The common factor is androgens ( "male" hormones - actually produced in males and females in differing amounts ). A study just published, and reported widely in the media, looked at over 600 young filipinos before and after they became dads. Their levels of the main androgen ( testosterone ) fell, and this was thought to make them more family orientated. Testosterone normally increases a man's sex drive and helps him compete for a mate.
Pimples ( acne ) result from the effects of androgens on the skin, allowing a bug ( Propionibacterium acnes ) to grow. There's no ideal treatment. Antibiotics ( oral or locally applied ) may work, as may oral contraceptives in women. Other local ( topical ) treatments like isoretinoin are available. Dietary factors ( chocolate etc ) are not proven.
Male-pattern baldness is also related to androgens ( DHT = dihydrotestosterone ). Genes for baldness are on the X chromosome, which is why women don't often go bald. DHT may also cause prostate enlargement or even cancer ( but not just in bald men ). Anti-androgens ( like finasteride ) may cause hair growth temporarily. Recently, injecting stem cells in mice has stimulated hair follicles , raising the possibllity that this could work in humans. Cheaper than hair transplants, but passport photos would need to be changed and shampoo would once more be needed .....