Hi, I'm from the UK and am living in the UK. My fiance is Filipina but is working in USA and will be there for another year. We have recently got engaged and the plan is for her to move to the UK with me after she finishes working in USA.
We are asking for advice on how/where to get married (UK/Phil/USA). Which country is easier to get married in and to process the papers for her to come here. We are not clued up on forms, visa's etc yet, so we are just asking for some opinions. It would be ok for us to have civil marriage, and then church ceremony at a later date in her home town. Both of us are restricted to travelling for about 2 weeks at a time (due to the leave granted from our employers).
Also, after getting married how long do we expect to wait for to get the necesary papers to move here? I know it probably varies, but can anybody give us a rough guidline?