An important ruling for those affected.

Major ECJ ruling affecting Non EEA parents with dependent children
March 11, 2011

In the case of Gerardo Ruiz Zambrano v Office national de l’emploi (ONEm), the ECJ has ruled that a parent who is a third country national must be given right of residence and are also exempt from having to obtain a work permit within a Member State if they have a dependent child who is either a EU national or entitled to EU nationality.

This has huge implications for migrants in the UK who have previously been removed on the basis that being a parent of a British child did not confer an automatic entitlement to remain in the UK or have been prevented from working in Britain.

The ECJ ruling concludes that denying residence to the parent and/or restricting rights to work effectively means that the child is unable to exercise the substance of the rights conferred on them by virtue of their status as citizens of the Union and thus is illegal.

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