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Thread: Proposed changes to UK family immigration

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  1. #1
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    Whilst I sympathise Aiden, and I believe the system will simply strengthen the requirement for you to prove you can support your family, I do feel that if you can't support your family, why should you expect the country to let you in and you require support from the government. This in the same way as why should we be supporting people who come from abroad and are given houses, cars and money.
    If they do implement the system, it needs to be fair, but it will probably be unfair.

  2. #2
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    There are some people who earn minimum salary rate which now stands at about £6.03. IF these people are earning the national minimum wage there are people out there that dont want to claim benefits you know.

    Rather then making the immigrations CRAZY, yes crazy and unfair for genuine people like myself they should target the real areas.

    Honestly the UK is loosing it big time. I really now want to just stay in the Philippines and seriously considering never to return if these stupid laws affect me.

    IF they affect me see you UK.

    Im 30 years old have my own online business plus i work too. Never claimed anything and dont owe no one anything.

    These laws to me look crazy!

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Whilst I sympathise Aiden, and I believe the system will simply strengthen the requirement for you to prove you can support your family, I do feel that if you can't support your family, why should you expect the country to let you in and you require support from the government. This in the same way as why should we be supporting people who come from abroad and are given houses, cars and money.
    If they do implement the system, it needs to be fair, but it will probably be unfair.
    support their family, if they have their own kids, them kids, will at least probably be British citizens by descent, and be entitled to the same benefits as any other kids born in the UK, nothing the gov can do there.

    as for his wife, how many spouses have a job lined up b4 they come to the uk ?, how can they not take this into account, both spouses working will reduce any risks of the partner needing recourse to public funds.

    i for one would rather be paying taxes and that tax going in 'public funds' and supporting a British citizens spouse than going to a European and their non British European spouse or non European spouse

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    support their family, if they have their own kids, them kids, will at least probably be British citizens by descent, and be entitled to the same benefits as any other kids born in the UK, nothing the gov can do there.

    as for his wife, how many spouses have a job lined up b4 they come to the uk ?, how can they not take this into account, both spouses working will reduce any risks of the partner needing recourse to public funds.

    i for one would rather be paying taxes and that tax going in 'public funds' and supporting a British citizens spouse than going to a European and their non British European spouse or non European spouse

    Well said their matey. Ive been living abroad for the last 4 years. I visited the UK in June this year for a month to see my parents. Oh god alots changed in the past 4 years. The system is starting to fail me big time. All I can say is that the UK needs to change but needs to consider its citizens first. Why is the govt letting all these Europeans in. My older brothers a builder (22 years) now its hard for him to find a job because all his competitions are polish and iraqis. This is total Bulls**t.

  5. #5
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Do these new rules mean my wife can apply for Naturalisation as a British citizen (after 3 years here) but cant get her ILR till after 5 years?

    Cant see anything inthe consultation or naturalisation rules that says you need ILR first? hehehe

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Do these new rules mean my wife can apply for Naturalisation as a British citizen (after 3 years here) but cant get her ILR till after 5 years?

    Cant see anything inthe consultation or naturalisation rules that says you need ILR first? hehehe
    There are no new immigrations rules.
    Whatever you see on the UKBA website now still applies.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Sorry guys, was being a bit a devils advocate to promote some thoughts. I genuinely think it would be difficult under Human Rights to say that if you can afford to live in the UK, then how can they deny the visa.
    My personal opinion is the UK's had its day, and it's the next generation that will suffer.
    I doub't we'll ever come back to the UK, and are planning a holiday next year in Aussie to see whether that would ever be an option in the future.
    no problems Ricky, there are problems with abuse, i've seen enough of it myself, but you can't keep punishing the Brit and do nothing to the Europeans who come here.

    as for the UK, we will be staying here, the cost for us is cheaper than anywhere else and we've got everything here.

    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Do these new rules mean my wife can apply for Naturalisation as a British citizen (after 3 years here) but cant get her ILR till after 5 years?

    Cant see anything inthe consultation or naturalisation rules that says you need ILR first? hehehe
    they are proposed changes, and looking at the past changes i would have thought there would be a period of transition. so it probably will not effect your wife.

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