Just a bit of an update really, as it's been a while since I last posted.
The last 12 months has been hectic.
* Sept 2010 - We added Josh, our new son to our family :-) Which is great.
* February 2011 - Eventually completed Marvies annulment, which took far too over 2 years.
* February 2011 - I resigned from my fulltime job to improve my career, and have been doing temporary work with other Arab Royal Families, and also a short spell in the offshore oil sector.
* August 2011 - Secured a permenant position where I can combine being at sea, but will have a house, car, education, medical and flights for my family in the Middle East.
* September 2011 - Married Marvie at a church in the Philippines.
Combined with moving house, and having flown 65 times (mostly longhaul) this year, it's been pretty hectic.
The marriage in a church in the Philippines has been a long process, including having to discuss my sex life with a 80 year old woman in the chancery!
So hopefully I'll have a lot of information to post, updating the latest news.
I've also sucessfully sponsored 4 visit visas to the UK for filipino friends to visit, and am happy to discuss those for anyone that is interested.
Good to be back on the forums! Hello to all!