I have been asked to share my experience with the forum. Here goes Aiden....

1] Met a filipina in March and got married to her in June. made two trips to see her in Phils, one in April and one in June. Kept receipts and took photos of us and her family.

2] Took local CNI to embassy in June and exchanged for local CNI. Married on June 14th with contract on 24th June.

3] Joined forum late, in July

4] Wife took TOEIC English test in Manila in July and passed the minimum A1 requirement.

5] Received Marriage Certificate in late July.

6] Compiled paperwork for Spouse Visa and wife visited CFO for her seminar requirement.

8] Submitted Visa application through VIP Lounge option on 2nd September.

9] Spouse visa arrived by courier to my wife on 15th September.

Observations...some of the things that we did and didnt submit...rough summery:

a] Only submitted ordinary photocopy of my passport but submitted my original copy of my bith certificate.

b] Didnt submit P60 but did submit 7 months payslips and 6 months bank statements plus letter from employer.

c] Submitted a lot of receipts for various costs in Phils....wedding cake...wedding ceremony. wedding reception receipts..internal flights aswell as flights to and from Phils.....hotel receipts etc etc and moneygram receipts

d] Samples of emails, Yahoo Messenger (one per week) and Skype logs and 1 recent itemised phone log / bill

e] 46 photos of myself and wife together with and without her friends and relatives spanning two visits to Phils

f] A 2 page summary of our time together, places we visited etc.

g] Landlord Letter and tenancy agreement

h] Things we didnt submit included my cv, my degree certificate, her degree certificate, notarised copy of my passport.