It's obvious that Britain is broken.
a) What can we do to fix it?
b) How would that fix it?
It's obvious that Britain is broken.
a) What can we do to fix it?
b) How would that fix it?
I'll start
a) Reform the welfare stateb
b) Would prevent anyone claiming what they are not entitled to, encouraging employment and respect
a) Remove the UK for the EU
b) Reduce costs and obligations, and allow the UK to trade freely without limitation
1/ out of europe,
2/send back all those that shouldnt be here . including european ie polish, illegal imigants, and any other nationality that will not intergrate, wether born here to imigant parents or not, out any muslim extremist,
3/ take back what used to be public secter, what is now private, its better to be none profit making if it means more employed rather than the private slimlining in order to make profit, make jobs instead,
4/disasemble capitalism, its only good for the few, and i belive thats where our biggest problem is,
id say abandon the sinking ship,, its too late
i personally would remove or exterminate every tory mp and every tory voting imbecile.....
Anyone with more than 2 kids shouldn't get help off the state to support them. Stop all this multi-breeding.
Free up resources. Death penalty for scum like paedo's, rapists, murderers etc.
Persistent criminals and trouble makers sent to Greenland or South Pole to start a new life to fend for themselves. Not bothered which. Jeremy Kyle can go to!
Harsher punishment for MP's and those in higher positions should they cross the line.
That's it for now.
I have visited many countries over a 30 year time span and its always been my opinion that many countries are either catching up with or have caught up with the UK or left us behind. Nothing much we can do about that. Times are getting tougher year on year and what we see are the symptoms of that. No magic solutions for that.....just like our national football team.....
broken Brittan, when people stop risking their lives to sneak under lorries, that's when i know this country is broken
i was watching a news report, why so many rich Russians come and live in the UK, a rich Russian guy who just bought the Rolex store in London said, every time he comes to the Uk and the plane is landing, he feels safe and happy here.
Well I have always been against being part of the EU but had a serious change of mind recently and would like to embrace it fully, and make it totally integrated.
1: Europe wide pension administered by the Germans.
2: Europe wide health service administered by the French or Germans ( or anyone except us)
3: Europe wide banking run by Luxemburg or invite Switzerland to join.
4: Europe wide education run by Sweden
Rest of the Welfare system, leave it to the Germans.
If it happens it may stop this country being such a magnet for the 3rd world.![]()
the manifest you have just given yes , but the way as it is now no,
iv always thought we would have been better off had the germans won the war,
with the exceptian of the exterminations,
germany seems to prosper ,
but as we stand in europe now with different laws some of ours and some of theirs, and some are conflicting which is not good
Broken Britain? I wish you lot would cheer up! If it's that bad here, why not do what one of the posters advises, and leave?
But where would you go? Which country has it so much better than us? I can't think of many.
There are definitely problems in this country, but no government will ever resolve them to the satisfaction of everyone.
I think dismantling capitalism is a bit of an over-reaction though!![]()
we all have ideas how to run a country... just a bloody shame no one can get it right... but the chinese are doing a bloody good job at it... look at britain now... just a mass of foreign poeple here.. esp the polish... and other countries.. i go to the local tescos and they are all polish employees... i go to a bar they cant speak english....the local schools are now so polish influenced... job centres now have on line translators... i wouldnt be suprised if the next priminster in say the next 25 yrs is polish... bitain is going down the pan...
Make prisons a place of fear for the criminals - harsh regime, subsistence diet, no playstations etc. Sentences to be served in full no parole or early release. Realistic mandatory minimum sentences eg 3 years for burglary or mugging, repeat offenders get it doubled up.
All illegal immigrants deported. Prison mandatory for benefit cheats. Death sentence for terrorists, serial and child killers.
Renationalise the railways, controls on price fixing, proiteering utilities and supermarkets.
That's my starter for 10![]()
I can't wait to join in but at work so I will post my manifesto tmrw![]()
Go back to 1970.
Great music, and I'd be 18 again.![]()
Reform the whole benefit system so it doesn't encourage dossers to sit at home banging out more kids to gain more benefits. Basically make so they receive less than if they actually went out and got a job. Same goes for the yoff of today, get them out working.
Take the transport system out of private hands and make it transport for the people again, not a over priced embarrassment that is all about profit margins.
Adjust the taxation system. If you earn more you pay more, simple. Obviously leave the SED for merchant seaman well alone!
Reduce the number of civil servants, especially those in middle management areas.
Same goes for the nhs, reduce the number of managers and increase the number of actual caregivers
Thinking about the same goes for the emergency services, armed forces (these should be budgeted correctly rather than cutting troops and equipment levels etc), and teaching, local councils.
Get rid of 80% of this PC nonsense that govt and councils seem intent on wasting vast sums of money on; we should follow Australia’s lead on this.
Have an effective immigration system. Immigration is a good thing, we are after all an island and have relied on immigration for thousand of years we just have to control it. Again Oz seems to have a handle on it.
Make prison a deterrent not a holiday home.
Deport those that need deporting i.e. not a british national, regardless of what may happen to them back in their own country, if you broke the law here you are effectively outside of the law and therefore not our responsibility.
As for government this a tricky one, they are all liars and cheats so it a matter of getting the best of a bad bunch. Make all there salary etc public knowledge, they should not be allowed to make money from other ventures whilst “representing” their respective areas, save that for when you finish your political career.
Make sure bankers are more accountable for their actions. Very important as their actions as well as those knobs labour helped the uk fall into one of the biggest debts of any of the developed countries.
Oh yes, for f***s sake make sure that there is a supply of grit for the roads every winter!!!!
Thats all I can think of for now, I was woken up early this morning by what sounds like the entire frog population of the philippins having sex 4 feet from my window on my rice farm!!!
As mentioned before in this thread by Jamesey if it was really bad alot more would be packing up and leaving. Every country has it bad at the moment its some more than others. Ours looks bad due to previous policies of past govts and the whole banking system thing. nothing can ever be fixed 100% its impossible.
The country that probably has got it about right is Singapore but then again until you actually live somewhere and become apart of its society you don't really know what problems a country suffers from.
It's been emontional
Subseastu Thanks you have covered most of my stuff so I don't have to type one out now.
I would add scrap human rights bill.
Closer bonds with Germany and U.S.A stuff the lazy latin countries and ungrateful frogs.
All fit able bodied young men can be put to work repairing and building new roads if they wish to receive any benefits.
Bring back more apprenticeships and less of this 'uni' crap and reduce many of the pointless exams kids have to take but concentrate on the 3 rs.
When mps have to vote on big decisions they have to vote accordingly to the wishes of their constituents whose views were gathered at their local surgeries not off their own 'bat'
Personally I wouldn't scrape the human rights bill the problem is its been abused in the past, so like most other things it needs reform to allow it to be used for what it was intended for, not for rapist, immigrants to hide in prison claiming they'll get a bit of kicking if they get sent home.
More apprenticeships certainly but you can't get rid of the uni "crap". Its about achieving a balance throughout the future workforce. I would scrape degrees in next to useless subjects though, I don't know if they still do it but one uni did a degree in Madonna!!! Uni's should be more accessable for all, unfortunately they seem to becoming a bit elitist again. Agree about reducing exams through school specifically those in junior school, whats the point in testing a 5 years old? Bring back sets in school subjects, alot of school kids are now lumped together regardless of ability, so the class progresses at the pace of the slowest kid. Complete nonsense!! Kids should be grouped according to ability so they can achiev the most they can.
Agree on the MP's thing, they should represent the people not their own agenda.
Not sure about closer bonds with the USA, we do needs ties with them but it maybe time to look to the east, China etc.
It's been emontional
Not try quick fixes, we need long term change and improvements.
Warn the UK population it will take time to sort things
From my own experience and view of the world
Review whats working and whats not plenty of local and national government services and departments are working and in some cases working well others are not.
Get in only business managers or business/process improvement consultants/managers who have proven experience. Met plenty who had no experience in that industry or similar just a degree or????
Review all IT contracts and processes Billions are being wasted the amount of systems with millions spent on top of what was spent on them to try and make them work is incredible..
Many of these companies and their employees are not British owned/based..
Written this before to sell to government organsations is a sales persons dream they rarely seem to haggle, will normally over order and over spec plus can be talked in to crazy service contracts.
From the UK educated employees we have many have such poor I.T related skills experience if you consider just there state education all the way up to University. Most only have the skills, knowledge and experience required if they have worked there way though the industry, self taught at home or privately educated them self either at a college course or literally in their own home.
IT skills at academies my company has taken under its wing was basically learning a few words or jargon and learning about MS O/S of the day and the M/S office they have available useful but far more skills and knowledge required.
We need people with basic networking skills, Programing, analytical skills, Project management, among many other skills nearly all of our candidates don't come though the UK Education system
Most of the British graduates seem to only be skilled in writing reports which is handy but
Our industry is not a niche industry but one that should be generating lots of PAYE tax and NAtional Insurance when contract workers from abroad are used many will claim back their Income tax and NI when the job is up and they leave the UK..
Think how many well paying jobs say in the city of London Finance sector HAVE to employ workers from abroad to find the skilled workforce they need. As we know on here look how much of our salaries after day to day costs flow out of the UK as remittance or for us to spend ourselves when in the "other country"..
I have written about on here how we have taken young pupils and put them on to apprenticeship courses and are all doing well
Many are from sink estates in the centre of London you know the ones where people were rioting and complaining of lack of opportunities. I know of some who have done well stayed out of trouble completed college and university courses in fields where they are up against it to find work.
Sadly the career advice in the UK is poor, all about making the pupil feel good about themselves and trying to get them into uni/college if possible to look good in stats.
Often the most successful training/education/career progression is joining an industry and getting a grounding and then experience in a field..
We are in a recession and yet our company has tens of job vacancies in the UK. Most will after being advertised here in the UK soon be advertised in the EU and then worldwide.
I can list names of companies and their departments which are suffering from the lack of skilled workers..
We have a major issue where we need a person who is knowledgeable in the field of Microsoft products office/ O/S and back end nothing indepth with MS certification already or possibly prepared to study for at the companies expense (you need a company or the individual to have paid for the courses and involve peoples spare time to learn the knowledge and skills to pass) We need the candidate to be in place asap and prepared to study, but very good pay benefits and a nice car. Only one British Educated individual went for the job the rest all educated abroad.
This country has a massive issue with people taking Engineering and technical qualifications and then taking jobs in the field. Taking or being interested in Technical subject is thought of as a nerd yet the country needs thousands of technically minded people prepared to learn on the job often..
In German, Japan and even in America being a qualified Engineer or person working in a Technical sector is in a job which others respect and look up to.
Many of the media studies and history post graduates if they taken different paths could possibly filling the vacancies we have and I see at other companies I work with
Both our local and national governments are suffering due to lack of Skills and knowledge in various fields, so are the companies in the UK. Our population is suffering from a lack of jobs especially the young.
Give people jobs, have income from taxes, have better processes and more efficient local and government departments.
Its to late now this should have all been done in the eighties and nineties where most of my peers plus those before and after have found the Education system to be at least part useless
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
Besides, the women and food in the East are much better.![]()
i can honestly say i dont know, so i shall just read what others say, may say something if i think thtas good or crap too![]()
The biggest problem with this country is it's arrogant and lives in the past. We won the war, we won the World Cup. Half a century or so on and we're still banging on about it. Now the Olympic Games are coming and nothing else seems to matter. Just something else to boast about even though the you could count the Great Britain medal tally on the fingers of a mangled hand at the end of it.
For this country to improve it needs to look at itself in the mirror - to sort out its own problems and stop trying to rule the world and pretending to be better than the rest of the planet. Get rid of these uneducated morons in power and bring in someone who's gone to the university of life.
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