Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
The UKBA agency does a great job. Just look at the way they work through visa's and get the vast majority of decisions right.
That's the pen pushing side of their operation

Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
The UKBA agency can only work within the laws and budget given to them. You'll find that most foreign criminals here are allowed to stay due to EU law not UK law.
They are failing miserably at the enforcement side of things by not removing scum who have no legal right to be here. It's easy to blame the EU - the UKBA are sloppy and inefficient - look at how that Bolivian cat bloke was not picked up despite being an overstayer for years.

The report states

"Some of the circumstances which allow people to resist deportation can be predicted," Mr Vine said. "The border agency needs to concentrate on those cases and I didn't find find during the inspection that they were prioritising those cases in a systematic way."

More than 1,600 foreign national prisoners remained in detention, having completed their prison sentence, while 12 were missing after being released directly from court or referred incorrectly, inspectors found.

Meanwhile, some 3,775 former foreign national prisoners who should have been deported had been released from custody and were living in the community.

Mr Vine told Today the UKBA needed to "really get a grip of this figure because it's a growing figure and it's not going away".