Hello all, i'm filipina 26 years old. Im kinda new here. he

Me and my bf (french nationality) is currently in doha qatar, we've been together for 5 months here, and he's contract will be finished already end of this month here. We want to be together for atleast 6 months and get married in france. I applied for student long stay visa because i'm planning to learn french language for 3 months and then get married, but The embassy didnt accept my application because they told us that i can learn french here in doha without going to france, but the main fact is we want to be together while studying...

i still have a valid schengen visa VALID until november 2011, the person in the embassy just advise me to apply again for Tourist Visa, but as far as i know the schengen visa is not convertable into student or long stay and i have to leave the country but we dont want to do that. Is there any way for us to be together? can some one advise me please.... thanks a lot! looking forward to your all advise.
