Hi Lastlid

When you enter the front door of the NAIA airport in Manila you and all of your bags go through an xray machine. Once clear of that turn immediately right and you will see the travel tax counter. Join the line, show your ticket and passport with spouse visa. You will pay the money (1620 pesos in cash) and you will get a receipt showing that you have paid.

Then just go to your airline check in desks and check in as normal. After check in go through departures and pay your departure tax of 750 pesos (Eveybody has to pay this including kids! you have to fill in a disembarkation card first that is available at check in). Pass through one more xray check for you and your hand bags and you are in departures. Buy some duty free and catch the plane, happy days!

ps. You can check in before going to pay your travel tax but the airline wont give you your boarding pass until you have shown them the travel tax receipt. So to save the hassle of having to possibly cue twice make sure you do the travel tax bit first.