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Thread: Chris Huhne - Tosspot of an Energy Secretary

  1. #1
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    Chris Huhne - Tosspot of an Energy Secretary

    Sunday 18 Sept - families 'do not bother' to hunt for bargains on gas and electricity, but would rather spend more time looking for a cheap toaster.

    He also said people could save up to £300 if they made the effort and could use the spare money to go on a short weekend mini-break.

    The Liberal Democrat said: 'They frankly spend less time shopping around for a bill that's on average more than £1,000 a year than they would shop around for a £25 toaster.

    Tuesday 20 Sept - Energy Secretary Chris Huhne has said he is determined to "get tough" with the six biggest energy companies, in his speech to the Lib Dem conference.

    He said he wanted to help people save money by making it easier to spot cheaper deals and switch providers.

    The energy secretary said the government wanted to see "simpler tariffs" and a system in which firms were required "to tell you whether you could buy more cheaply on another tariff".

    Sources Daily Mail & BBC

    I hope the CPS hurry up and make their mind up over possible charges following allegations that he got his wife to take penalty points.

  2. #2
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    Yet they are planning to make it more difficult for power companies to promote their tarifs door to door.

    Govts past and present are spineless tossers.

    It is building regs to have all new properties properly insulated.

    Govts could easily have made it compulsary in all existing homes and commercial buildings, as well as water meters.

    Like everything else they prat about for years on end, and then blame everyone but themselves for their lack of leadership, authority and assertiveness.

    I spent over 30 years in the energy efficiency business.

  3. #3
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    If he had the balls of a decent Energy Sec he would be sorting out these shyster, profiteering companies who pick their noses when wholesale prices are falling over long extended periods but hit the consumer with huge increases the moment it turns the other way. He's the beardie, weirdie, tree hugging limp wrister who is shafting us all with carbon tax and windmills.

    Come on the CPS

  4. #4
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    But we don't need all these ugly windmills anyway (except the people making them).

    Probably half of our energy usage is completely wasted, whatever source it comes from.

    We need decisive LEADERSHIP not bullshit.

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