Thank you for your welcome, this is a very informative site. We have been doing quite a bit of research about the Philippines and to be honest some of the things we have read are very worrying. (like death squads, kidnappings etc) How true are these things? Many of you must have been to the Philippines, how safe did you feel while you were there? The area that our friend lives in is Olongapo City.
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We always advise to talk to more than one at the same time, this improves your options. Some folk end up getting involved with Filipins with loads of baggage, marriage, kids, prostitute, etc, but there is really no need to with so many beautiful single girls around. Nothing wrong with the other girls, just makes life much harder for no reason.
When I got my son to join a site for a month I thought it would be a good idea for him to chat to a few girls. He uploaded a photo of himself and a profile, the next day when checking our emails he found that he had loads of messages sent to him. We had got on the site to reply to all the "smiles" he had been sent, he didn't have a chance to reply because Katherine asked him to chat live. They chatted for over an hour and he joked that it was a good job that he only paid for one months subscription as he was very happy to have found her. She said to him "you will find a pretty girl to talk to and then it will be bye bye Katherine" He found this to be so sad and promised her that he would stop looking, which I thought was pretty admirable (pity my daughter still thinks it's insane of him lol) Katherine doesn't think that she is as pretty as some of the other girls that are on the same site. Her photo was taken while she was at church, dressed very simply and stood next to her Mum. Some of the other girls have posed studio shots and I must admit looked like models, but I think that even an old bag like me could look good if the lens had enough vasoline smeared on it
The thing is that to me (and most importantly to my son) she is beautiful, some of the faces she pulls when on the web cam are so cute. I really do appreciate the warnings about being scammed though, but I feel that she is genuine. (I hope I don't have to eat my words in the future)