My son is only just 21 he is a very shy lad, who has dyslexia (BTW dyslexia does not equal stupid, he has an above average IQ) It does mean though that his job options are very limited. I was involved in a freak accident 10 years ago which left me disabled and since he left school my son has been my carer. (funny how life works out isn't it) Although I feel very lucky to have a son who looks after me so well I felt very guilty that he did not have the confidence to go out and meet a girl. He told me that although he would love to meet a girl he did not feel that he wanted to go out with an English girl as they did not seem to want the same things as he does. Plus he has always felt attracted to Asian ladies (he used to love watching Relic Hunter and thinks Tia Carrera is the ideal woman) I suggested that he should find a penpal and that I would help with communication. Well we went on a website and paid for a months subscription. There was a girl who started to chat from the Philippines. I explained about his problem and that I was helping him by typing what he was saying. She was very understanding about this and now she chats to us on a regular basis and brings her Mum with her to the computer shop too, it's a little odd I know, but it seems to be working. My daughter thinks that we are insane because the first girl we chatted to is the only girl my son wants to know. She thinks he should have got his money worth by chatting to loads of girlsShe really does seem to be a genuine lovely girl, she is training to be a nurse which will take another 2 years and she says that she will not marry until she is qualified, which I think is great as they should be able to get to know each other very well by then. She is Catholic and very God fearing, but my son has said that if she really is the one he would convert for her (I didn't have him baptised as I am not religious) Anyway, the reason why I have joined this forum is to try and find out the problems that face any Filipina's that live in the Uk. My son's happiness is very important to me, I would love to see him happily married to a Filipina, but it is equally important to me that the girl he marries is happy as well.