
Been doing a lot of research at the moment into airlines loyalty schemes and think I have found a solution for us based in the UK. Wanted to run it past you guys as such, it seems a bit long winded but a way of earnign points.

Looking at Emirates they have their loyalty scheme - Skywards which as per normal you earn points by flying. However they do not have a UK based credit card to earn extra points of.


However in the UK American Express do have a credit card you can earn points on it is the Starwood card.


From this you can transfer your points to quite a few airlines here is the list and how you transfer your points.


So you could spend money in UK on the Amex Starwood card and earn miles on a 1:1 basis on Qatar on Emirates etc.

I know its a bit longwinded but it has taken me a day or to find out all the information.