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Thread: I got visa refused 2 times before and now applying for spouse visa. Need advice!

  1. #1
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Post I got visa refused 2 times before and now applying for spouse visa. Need advice!

    Hello to everyone!

    I am a newbie on this forum and I am glad I found this website. All tips and Information here really helps me a lot for the preparation of my spouse visa application soon. But I am a bit worried about my past visa history. I hope you can give me some honest advice. So here is the story.

    I met my husband online late 2007. He visited me then in Oct 2008. Then, he invited me to come to the UK for a tourist visa. I was granted in April 2009 for tourist visa (6 months) and stayed in the UK for 5 months. We got engaged while I was in the UK. I went back to Philippines as I don't want to overstay. It was sad saying goodbye at the airport but we had no choice. Oh before I went back to the Phils, I enrolled for a course in UK (Guildford College) as we decided to apply for Student Visa when I get back to Phils. Nov 2009 when I lodged my Student Visa application and after a month of waiting It was refused and the reason was we had insufficient funds to support my studies in UK. We didn't appeal as we know It would take ages and just decided to wait and apply for other visa category. Then in March 2010 we thought we should try again for Tourist visa. We had all supporting documents and funds problem have fixed but then I got denied again in the reason of I didn't show enough ties in the Philippines and that they doubt that I don't intend to go back to the Philippines at the end of my proposed visit. It was my mistake as I thought It would be easier for me to grant another tourist visa after my first successful stay in the UK. We felt very devastated after hearing the sad news. I got 2 refused visa and It was one of the saddest part of my life. I was losing hope of coming back to the UK but I love my husband so much so I decided to wait and be patient. After 2 years of waiting and missing my hubby in the Phils, Our patience have rewarded. He came back to the Philippines to marry me . And now we are on the hardest part the visa application. We are keeping our finger and toes crossed and praying that everything will be okay.

    My concern is, Do you think my previous visa history will affect my spouse visa application soon? I am a bit worried and I hope you can give me advice.

    Thanks in advance and cheers!

  2. #2
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    I would say that your previous refusals will not affect your spouse visa application. Each application should by based on its own merits.

    As the spouse visa is different to the student and tourist visa, in that you do not have to show reason to return or sufficent funds required for a student visa.

    With the spouse visa you need to show its a genuine relationship and your husband had sufficient funds to support you without the need for public funds.

    Dont forget to include all you previous visa submissions on you application.

    We had a visit visa denied but got our spouse visa when we applied.

    Good luck and hope you get your visa soon.

  3. #3
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Hi rusty!

    Wow what a quick response! Thanks a lot for the info. I am glad that you are with your mahal already, lucky you!

    I have another question, As evidence of relationship what sort of proofs and documents did you include in your spouse visa app? I believe all e-mails, chat logs, pictures together, tickets, hotel bookings and the like. Did you include all receipts from your wedding like cake, wedding dress, catering etc? And did you also printed out all chat logs since the very first time you chat? I'm afraid I'm gonna need 2 rims of A4 to print all of our conversation history on ym. I hope you can give me some tips! Thanks again and GODbless!

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    as rusty has posted, no it should not have any effect on you getting a spouse visa.

  5. #5
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Hi Joe,

    Yes It gives me new hope after reading your kind advice guys! Thanks a lot and GODbless!

  6. #6
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juvyjones28 View Post
    Hi rusty!

    Wow what a quick response! Thanks a lot for the info. I am glad that you are with your mahal already, lucky you!

    I have another question, As evidence of relationship what sort of proofs and documents did you include in your spouse visa app? I believe all e-mails, chat logs, pictures together, tickets, hotel bookings and the like. Did you include all receipts from your wedding like cake, wedding dress, catering etc? And did you also printed out all chat logs since the very first time you chat? I'm afraid I'm gonna need 2 rims of A4 to print all of our conversation history on ym. I hope you can give me some tips! Thanks again and GODbless!
    The proof you have mentioned should be enough, we did not include any receips from the wedding, just a couple of wedding pics. But it would not hurt to include more evidence.

    As for the chat logs, I would include a sample of the chat logs, a couple from the start of the relationship, some from the middle and some recent.

  7. #7
    Member ViesVies's Avatar
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    when i applied for my visa last feb 2011,i was asked to submit the last 9mos of chat/skype communication as evidence of the i was away with my husband for one year and nine months for some reasons.i printed it out and it was almost 200 pages heavy but visa granted.

  8. #8
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    Hi Juvy, and welcome to the forum.

    Ref. previous visa history:

    You have complied with the conditions of your previous visa (which should go in your favour), and have only been rejected on the others because of not being able to meet the requirements.

    I see no reason whatsoever why your spouse visa would not be granted, subject to meeting the requirements of that application.

    Good luck to you both.

  9. #9
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post
    The proof you have mentioned should be enough, we did not include any receips from the wedding, just a couple of wedding pics. But it would not hurt to include more evidence.

    As for the chat logs, I would include a sample of the chat logs, a couple from the start of the relationship, some from the middle and some recent.

    Hi again rusty!

    Thanks a lot for sharing your visa application experience! Your such a great help. GODBLESS!

  10. #10
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViesVies View Post
    when i applied for my visa last feb 2011,i was asked to submit the last 9mos of chat/skype communication as evidence of the i was away with my husband for one year and nine months for some reasons.i printed it out and it was almost 200 pages heavy but visa granted.
    Hi ate, How are you? Wow 200 pages hehe. I'm afraid mine would be more than that as we met 2007. But I will follow some members tip, I hope few days per month conversation printed out will be good. If not I think I will need 3 rims of A4 which is gonna be too heavy for me.. hehe I'll try to sort it out though. Thanks a lot for the tips! GODBLESS!!!

  11. #11
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Hi Juvy, and welcome to the forum.

    Ref. previous visa history:

    You have complied with the conditions of your previous visa (which should go in your favour), and have only been rejected on the others because of not being able to meet the requirements.

    I see no reason whatsoever why your spouse visa would not be granted, subject to meeting the requirements of that application.

    Good luck to you both.
    Hi Mr Graham!

    Thanks for the advice, I'm now feeling a bit better about the situation, I really thought that they would check back my previous visa history and I'm worried it would affect my spouse visa app soon. So glad to hear that I have big chance to get spouse visa approved as long as I submit all relevant documents. Thanks a lot for your great advice! Cheers and GODBLESS!

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