Well I've known my girl for almost 6 months and have been staying here in the PI with the family for the past 6 weeks. The initial (now diffused) pressure of marraige, combined with the general boredom, lack of freedom (as in unsafe for me to wander very far alone) and non existent interaction with my fellow esterners - plus my occasional spats of severe depression, have all had a pounding on the relationship and she recently accepted that we may simply have to be just friends.

We are not an ideal couple in the sense that we are not soulmates but very few couples are. We make each other laugh and we're 'cosy' for want of a better word. She'd make a good wife and mother but I may not be ready to make that kind of commitment, for the simple reason that I have yet to find my niche in life and start my own business of find a job I am happy witn that utilises my skills.

I will start work in Bangkok soon though I don't know for how long and will fly her over for a holiday once I am settled. This will be the final decider.

If things do work out I want to take her to England. Because I have not lived there for 5 years and have no proof of where we will stay or employment there, I can't see this option as being realistic - not to live anyway, but how about for a holiday.

Can I bring my Fillipina girlfriend/fiancee to the UK for a holiday and how long could she stay for?