The fact remains that TB is still around In the Philippines cases are not all detected or treated properly - with an estimated 75 deaths each day. Here in the UK there are over 9000 cases each year, mostly in people born abroad.
A chest X ray is only helpful to suggest - not prove - TB. A " normal " chest X ray may not show blood clots ( embolism ) or small cancers. No test can prove someone will NOT get TB in the future, although most of us who have had BCG vaccination ( only once is needed ) are not at risk. Those at most risk are drug addicts, alcoholics, and those with other illnesses like HIV/AIDS or poorly controlled diabetes.
It's so important to register with a GP, even if you're feeling well ! Symptoms such as unexplained weight loss, persistent cough and night sweats
suggestive of TB would then lead to chest X ray, further " imaging " tests, a Mantoux skin test, and also sputum samples to examine / culture for the TB bug. If TB is confirmed, treatment needs to be with up to 4 drugs for 6 months. Multidrug resistance is a major worry.
I'm concerned not so much with visa requirements - there's expert advice here on the forum - but to remind members that TB is far from eradicated . It needs to be taken seriously whether or not a certificate " proving " its absence is needed.