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Thread: Neozep, medicol, biogesic, etc

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  1. #1
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    Neozep, medicol, biogesic, etc

    Hi. Anybody know the answer to this one. My wife has given me a list of pharmaceuticals that she uses in Phils, including the above.

    Are these products available in the UK or is it simply a case of there being the generic equivalent in the UK?

    Many thanks for any tips.

  2. #2
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    she can get ibufropen as a replacement for medicol ( pain relief), paracetamol and antihisthamine for biogesic not sure about neozep they dont give medicine for common cold here in UK ( as for my knowledge) but i think this is similar to flu tablet...Doc Alan is the the best person to answere your question....tell her she cannot get antibiotic here at over the counter

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Hi. Anybody know the answer to this one. My wife has given me a list of pharmaceuticals that she uses in Phils, including the above.

    Are these products available in the UK or is it simply a case of there being the generic equivalent in the UK?

    Many thanks for any tips.
    those are just brand names here in the Philippines, but she can use other brands there in UK with the same generic can google what generic names they are...I know Biogesic is paracetamol and Medicol is Ibuprofen..
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    Thanks Raynaputi and Gparry. I did do a search and came to that conclusion that the products here would be the same but with different names. I think my wife is a bit concerned that they may be significantly different despite being similar.

    Of course. I didnt think of Doc Alan. I guess he will know 100% on this topic.

    On the common cold remedy......I was thinking "lemsip".

    I think she is planning to bring some of these Phils medications with her, which will tie her over for a while until she is settled.

  5. #5
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    I don't know the medical answers and I'm sure Doc Alan will put me right, but if these pills are for very minor ailments, aren't the best alternatives fresh air and water

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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I don't know the medical answers and I'm sure Doc Alan will put me right, but if these pills are for very minor ailments, aren't the best alternatives fresh air and water
    I am not sure that Ibuprofen is exactly a remedy for a minor ailment. It is an anti inflammatory. I was bed bound once, with a bad back and the cure was Ibuprofen. I couldnt even walk until the anti inflammatory kicked in.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I am not sure that Ibuprofen is exactly a remedy for a minor ailment. It is an anti inflammatory. I was bed bound once, with a bad back and the cure was Ibuprofen. I couldnt even walk until the anti inflammatory kicked in.
    I'm not suggesting that they aren't good meds I should have made it clearer, I'm sure we all know people who pop over the counter pills like they are Smarties and quite often for no good reason. My dear old Grandma used to take so many pills and vitamins that she rattled when she walked, and there was never anything wrong with her

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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I'm not suggesting that they aren't good meds I should have made it clearer, I'm sure we all know people who pop over the counter pills like they are Smarties and quite often for no good reason. My dear old Grandma used to take so many pills and vitamins that she rattled when she walked, and there was never anything wrong with her
    Yep. I know what you mean......I do agree.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I don't know the medical answers and I'm sure Doc Alan will put me right, but if these pills are for very minor ailments, aren't the best alternatives fresh air and water
    Antihistamine can be quite crucial if you cant take it. I once was prescribed antihistamine for a food allergy ( I am allergic to fresh tuna evidently) and I can certainly say that until I took the antihistamine that I was in a bad way......quite severe symptoms.....

  10. #10
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    I'm not a GP, I don't know 100 % on any topic, and good advice and information has been posted already .
    Your profile says you're married to a beautiful filipina so chances are she's healthy ! Therefore I would be cautious about ANYTHING " over the counter " ( OTC ) unless it's really necessary. For good reasons, it's true you can't obtain antibiotics OTC.
    Common colds are self-limiting, and no specific treatment is usually needed ( or effective ).
    Flu is different, vaccination is recommended for those at risk, but drugs such as " Relenza " are not routinely used for treatment - they don't cure anyway.
    OTC antihistamines may be helpful for allergies like hay fever.
    OTC painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol may also be useful for a variety of aches and pains.
    There's a huge amount of information on the internet as you know. Here's my summary :-
    Don't buy ANY combinations of drugs which have trade names like " Neozep " ( or dozens of similar combinations available OTC in the UK ).
    It contains paracetamol and antihistamines. " Biogesic " also contains paracetamol and antihistamine(s). " Medicol " is ibuprofen alone.
    It's best - and cheaper - to buy what you need under the generic name. Use the correct - but minimum - dosage. Paracetamol is good for mild to moderate pain and fever, but
    may have side effects.
    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen are effective for pain and inflammation relief, but can have serious side-effects, such as stomach ulcers. Use with caution for no more than a few days ( and not if pregnant ). See your doctor if symptoms persist.
    Antihistamines - for various allergies - are also effective but have side-effects !
    Medicine these days should all be " evidence based " - any treatment should be proved to be effective and as safe as possible. The same should apply before spending money on OTC remedies - know what you're buying and what you're treating .

  11. #11
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    Thanks Doc Alan. She is beautiful and healthy. But she is like most folk and most woman. I know the posting can appear like she is like Englishmans Gran but I wouldn't class her as a hypochondriac. She is just planning ahead for what is the unknown for her. Thinking ahead. She hasn't been outside of Phils and is just wondering if she can get here what she uses from time to time in Phils. Another example is Midol for each month of tummy pain. She just wants to know that she can get them here if and when is necessary.

    I am going to pop in to my local Lloyds Pharmacy today and see what they have to say.


  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    ... Another example is Midol for each month of tummy pain. She just wants to know that she can get them here if and when is necessary.
    I am going to pop in to my local Lloyds Pharmacy today and see what they have to say.
    I understand you're both planning ahead . "Midol " is available - at a price ( ). Its various formulations include paracetamol or iboprofen, caffeine, and an antihistamine. Best to save your money and buy whatever is really needed By all means take the pharmacy advice, and go for generic drugs, using the " approved " ( not the " proprietary " ) name.

  13. #13
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    Hi. We might buy the Midol online. But I have managed to convince my wife to call into Lloyds pharmacy as they said they will chat to her and help her out with what she needs.

    She is bringing some Phils medications with her. But I think she knows that she needs to contemplate buying UK equivalents.

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