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Thread: Philippines Marriage Certificate question

  1. #1
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    Question Philippines Marriage Certificate question

    Sorry if this is a dumb question! My 'Wife' (woohoo) and I got married in Butuan a couple of weeks ago and I am now back in UK whilst she is still out there. We had a 'judge' wedding and she has now received the marriage certificate (only one copy despite us signing 4 copies!?). My question is; is this local issued certificate the one I need for the spouse visa application? I remember reading on this forum previously something about requiring a certificate from the NSO and this taking up to 6 months to get, but I cannot find where I read this now! My wife doesn't know anything about getting one from NSO, as far as she is concerned she has the one and only marriage certificate! Can anyone shed some light on this please?

    Mark and Ann

  2. #2
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    marriage certificate needed is the one from NSO..after the local registry certificate, i will be forwarded to NSO..i dont know if it will take 6 mos to have a copy of it..what if you ask the local registrar in BUTUAN of how long you need to wait for the NSO copy or can you do something to expedite it...
    she also needs to have CENOMAR from NSO ad you should have your CERTIFICATE of NO IMPEDIMENT as well....CNI is your legal capacity to marry a Filipino and CNI proves that you are SINGLE..
    i hope this will help you because we will be applying for settlement visa as well...
    pls read other thread for they are very helpful..

  3. #3
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    Thanks kmg423, though I'm not sure about your adive on Cenomar and CNI, the British Embassy in Manila kept my British issued CNI when we went there to get the local CNI so I really hope they don't want to see that (well technically they already have it but...). Not sure if we still have the one the embassy issued or whether the town hall kept that one when we applied for the marriage licence! Either way they are out of date as we are now married anyhow.

    So the local registrar in Butuan should be forwarding the marriage certificate automatically to NSO should they? I assume this must be the case or NSO wouldn't be able to issue accurate cenomars. Oh well guess the wait goes on....

  4. #4
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    You can have it processed quicker, around 3 weeks, but you have to get a copy endorsed and DHL directly to the NSO yourself and then e-mail them. We have done this, I'll find the details and post.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    You can have it processed quicker, around 3 weeks, but you have to get a copy endorsed and DHL directly to the NSO yourself and then e-mail them. We have done this, I'll find the details and post.
    Oh thanks Ricky, that would be appreciated!

  6. #6
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    you have to let your wife bring the marriage certificate to her local registry office and have it processed through ''piecemeal basis'' they will send the document(marriage cert) to NSO to have it printed in security paper . It took me 3weeks to have my NSO marriage certificate back
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  7. #7
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    When we applied for the marriage license, we were told in our civil registry to have a early endorsement to make it quicker. Yes, we signed for 4 copies, and leave 1 copy behind, 1 copy will be send to NSO. We got our NSO MC in 3 weeks time.

  8. #8
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    Our temporary MC took just about a week or so to get to my wife. But the full NSO MC (several copies) (the one you need) took a month as we had a civil wedding.

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