Is it a cold or the flu? Chest and head colds - usually mild - can be caused by more than 200 viruses. Seasonal flu is caused by three types of viruses: influenza A, B, and C, and is far more serious - in the UK usually between now and April. The NHS provides flu jabs until November for those most at risk. They can also be prescribed antiviral medications like zanamivir (Relenza) or oseltamivir (Tamiflu) soon after flu symptoms start.
The World Health Organization ( WHO ) has decided that for this season the vaccine contains the SAME virus strains as last year ( including " swine flu " ). But immunity probably lasts less than 9 months so you need to have a new jab - either on the NHS ( if " at risk " ), or - if you just don't want flu - paying at pharmacies / supermarkets. It's available as " Fluvirin " ( produced by Novartis ) in the Philippines.
In the UK only 2/5 doctors and practice nurses, and 1/3 hospital nurses had the jab last year
Only half of the rest of us at risk under-65, and 3/4 over 65 had it.
This is shameful, because side effects are now minimal ( slight bruising of the arm, no flu-like symptoms ) and it gives good - not complete - protection to most people.
I had mine this weekend.