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Thread: Notice of Marriage!

  1. #1
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    Notice of Marriage!

    Notice of Marriage!

    May I introduce myself first? My name is Ian, I met my fiancée Ella, in Cebu 3 years ago and we are in the process of applying for a Fiancée Visa. Ella visited Manila last week, but was advised in a preliminary interview that everything was ok, except that she had no proof of our intention to get married. Of course we do intend to marry in the UK, as soon as possible. They seem to insist on a confirmation of our Notice of Marriage! She was advised to return home and was given 10 days to get proof of marriage, before returning to Manila.

    This is not possible, unless- as stated on many “Government” web sites- "You will each need to attend the register office in the district in which you live to give a formal 'Notice of Marriage/ Civil Partnership'. How is it possible to be in the Philippines but also be in the UK to attend the register office- you cannot be in two places at once- or even enter the UK without a visa!

    I’m sure the Embassy must be aware of these facts, otherwise there must be gross ignorance of the law! If they in fact do know the law, which I’m sure they must- do they expect you to lie or commit fraud! Is this a test of some sort, I’d like to know the answer as I find it very, very frustrating.

    All I can do is provide them with “provisional” bookings for the wedding, venue- caterers- transport arrangements (wedding cars), wedding cake, photographer, etc.

    Please can someone advise me on this as Ella has to re-book here flight back to Manila as soon as possible?

    Thanks- in expectation,


  2. #2
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Hi Mate
    Strange one this - I included email to the local registrar which indicated we cannot book a wedding until Rina is in the country and a provisional booking for a reception (written quote).
    Thats all we included - and the Visa was granted - you could include these two plus quotes but thats all you can do when you are still applying (like the flight ticket - cant book it until the visa is granted).

    Hope this helps.


  3. #3
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    Notice of Marriage

    Thanks very much for the quick reply. I’ll do what you’ve said, it’s good advice. I’d still like to get to the bottom of the matter- if not just to help myself, but to help all the others, who I’ve heard, have had the same problem. What on earth is going on? I don’t mind “jumping through hoops”, as long as they’re not imaginary ones and that I know where they are!!!



  4. #4
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    Me and my Fiancée will be in the same boat as you later this month when she attends VSF and like you, I asked at my local registry office and they said the same that they need both passports to make the necessary booking so its like a catch 22 situation. We have mentioned this in the application form so can only hope that the officer grasps the situation and accepts that it will take place within the 6 month time period after her arrival as there appears to be no other alternative other than to accept our word for it.

    Best regards


  5. #5
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    Yes- there’s so many other similar stories that I’ve read about. It causes so much stress and frustration for our partners and ourselves. I’m not sure if they realise how difficult it is to have to gather together all the necessary visa requirements, then travel to what might be a strange city, find their way to the Embassy, then be told that they should not submit their papers on what appears to be an imaginary technicality!


  6. #6
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    Our situation would also mean that our wedding would be very small so I wouldnt be booking any hall or cars etc just opting for a meal with a few close friends and family. Hopefully they wont be difficult as they will have my home address ( I own my house) so we are easily contactable so there is no chance of a disappearing act unlike so many illegals the border force lift and then let go again !


  7. #7
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    I'm a little confused....
    Ella visited Manila last week, but was advised in a preliminary interview

    .... where did she attend this preliminary interview ?
    Surely not at the British Embassy, because they try to keep things at arms-length.

    Was it at VFS ?
    If so, they just accept the paperwork... they're not the arbiters on what's right / wrong.

    As others on here have mentioned (and also you), it's basically impossible to arrange the marriage before she arrives
    Most have found it sufficient to write "marriage will take place as soon as practically possible after arrival in the UK, and within the time frame as per the fiance visa conditions"
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  8. #8
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    Sorry- yes- you're right, it was at the VFS. She was advised by one of the workers there.


  9. #9
    Respected Member Bluebirdjones's Avatar
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    I think the VFS employee is over-stepping his/her role.

    As mentioned, VFS are not the arbiter of what's right or wrong.

    Yes, they can suggest .... but that's all it is .... a suggestion.
    No man is an island, but Barry is

  10. #10
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    I think I’ve got to the bottom of things now! It seems that when Ella got to the VFS counter, there was a long line of people and she got talking to another person, also waiting to submit documents. This person was being assisted by an employee of Specialised Visa Services Inc. She was advised not to submit her documents as there was no proof of an intended marriage- rightly or wrongly- I don’t know? It’s meant another long tiring trip back to Manila tomorrow!!


  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    you can actually book the wedding for #30 and then just attend when you are both here to confirm it. Phone the registry office direct.

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by veemax View Post
    Notice of Marriage!

    May I introduce myself first? My name is Ian, I met my fiancée Ella, in Cebu 3 years ago and we are in the process of applying for a Fiancée Visa. Ella visited Manila last week, but was advised in a preliminary interview that everything was ok, except that she had no proof of our intention to get married.
    Quote Originally Posted by veemax View Post
    I’d still like to get to the bottom of the matter- if not just to help myself, but to help all the others, who I’ve heard, have had the same problem.
    Quote Originally Posted by veemax View Post
    It causes so much stress and frustration for our partners and ourselves.
    Ian ... I sympathise with you & Ella - and all other couples bewildered by such misleading information being given out by officious VFS employees overstepping the mark - in what is already a stressful enough situation.

    There isn't really anything else I can add to the replies you've already received ... except to you to our friendly site ... and trust you will have no further hindrance(s) with Ella's application.


  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    And to malchard888:

    , Malcolm, for the words of encouragement offered to your fellow 'Newbie'; to you, also ... and good luck with your fiancee's application.

  14. #14
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Now ... I wonder if either of you two guys can help ME here?

    How does one insert the small "oblique" [*acute] symbol ( for want of a better *description!) above the first 'e' in the word 'fiancee' ... as each of YOU has done?

    Daft as it may seem, ... it's something that has always baffled me - since there is no such sign on standard keyboards.

  15. #15
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Now ... I wonder if either of you two guys can help ME here?

    How does one insert the small "oblique" [*acute] symbol ( for want of a better *description!) above the first 'e' in the word 'fiancee' ... as each of YOU has done?

    Daft as it may seem, ... it's something that has always baffled me - since there is no such sign on standard keyboards.
    Here are a couple of methods shown in this link

  16. #16
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post
    Here are a couple of methods shown in this link
    Thanks, Rusty ... much appreciated.

  17. #17
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    Thanks to everyone for all their help. We’ve had some good news! Yesterday Ella received a text message and email, stating that her visa application is ready for collection! It’s only been a few days since Ella submitted it, I only hope its good news. I’ve heard that if it just takes a few days- it’s generally ok.

    Another way to get the accent above the letter “e”, is to type everything into Microsoft Word- let Word spell check and add the accent for you. Then copy and paste everything into the Forum reply box!


  18. #18
    Newbie (Restricted Access) GATIS's Avatar
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    Hi Ian

    ... thank you for sharing your experience. so what did you do? did you book anything or just described your future plans?

    many thanks!


  19. #19
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    I just included copies of some provisional bookings for the marriage venue, wedding car, wedding cake and photographer. I included a copy of the venue brochure too. I didn’t have a confirmation from the registry office! I contacted everyone by email and included copies in the Visa application. I did add to the invitation letter, the phrase "marriage will take place as soon as practically possible after arrival in the UK, and within the time frame as per the fiancée visa conditions", as suggested by Bluebirdjones. I thought this was a very good idea- it’s acknowledging the importance of marriage and was guaranteed to be read by the assessor.


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