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Thread: Travelpack/Rucksacks ?

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  1. #1
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    Travelpack/Rucksacks ?

    I'm looking for a Travelpack system rucksack/backpack with a detachable day bag, locking zip fasteners and covered straps. The size I'm after is somewhere in the region of 60 - 80 litres plus 15 - 20 Litres for the daysack.

    A normal rucksack is no good as it is top opening and doesn't normally have locking zips

    I've seen various offerings from Berghaus and Karrimor for between £90 and £150. Does anyone have any good recommendations on which to buy, and more importantly where to buy it from?

    It needs to be sturdy enough to wthstand being kicked around by airport baggage handlers, and thrown around on trains and buses on my travels.


  2. #2
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    I got something similar to this in 2007 from Costco.

    Has got lockable zips and covered over back straps. No detachable secondary bag. Not sure about the capacity but it's a big un, kind of semi rigid with a bit of a GRP/Carbon Fibre frame. Grap handles and a pair of carrying handles. It's very tough and has served me well. Long way below your price indication - I saw similar in Costco a month or so back c £35

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I got something similar to this in 2007 from Costco.

    Has got lockable zips and covered over back straps. No detachable secondary bag. Not sure about the capacity but it's a big un, kind of semi rigid with a bit of a GRP/Carbon Fibre frame. Grap handles and a pair of carrying handles. It's very tough and has served me well. Long way below your price indication - I saw similar in Costco a month or so back c £35
    Thanks Ded The Craghopper ones with detachable daysacs are about £100 - £120. If you find another one for £35, let me know

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Thanks Ded The Craghopper ones with detachable daysacs are about £100 - £120. If you find another one for £35, let me know

    Mine's a Pikey Costco special (bit like the Aldi weekly offers) not with a detachable daysac but c/w useful small zippered compartment handy for depositing used shreddies in. However wheeled, plenty of pull tight straps, heavy duty nylon and industrial zips. No doubt a flagship product of Luggage Factory No 39 Guangzou.

    I'll keep my eyes peeled

  5. #5
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    Actually Dedworth, that one is probably made in the same factory as the other more expensive ones.

    When I was in Hong Kong I bought a small Chinese-made cheapo bag for my lunchbox and stuff on the building sites. Cost a couple of quid in Mongkok market.

    - Still in use 15 years later.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Actually Dedworth, that one is probably made in the same factory as the other more expensive ones.

    When I was in Hong Kong I bought a small Chinese-made cheapo bag for my lunchbox and stuff on the building sites. Cost a couple of quid in Mongkok market.

    - Still in use 15 years later.
    I'd better whisper this as my wife's a Pinay brand snob.

    I think they probably are - bit like trainers there's only about 4 factories in the world that make 'em all in Da Nang. You pay £80 with a Nike badge on and £10 for unpretentious spurious named Lidl/Aldi

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I'd better whisper this as my wife's a Pinay brand snob.

    I think they probably are - bit like trainers there's only about 4 factories in the world that make 'em all in Da Nang. You pay £80 with a Nike badge on and £10 for unpretentious spurious named Lidl/Aldi
    Brand snob Yes I know the feeling, my son is not satisfied with normal Nike or Adidas trainers or boots, they have to be the exact same pair that Christiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi have endorsed To be fair to him, if the pair he wants are more than I'm prepared to pay, he will save up his pocket money and make up some of the difference.

    We usually find that Chavs R Us (Sports Direct) are the cheapest place for sportswear

  8. #8
    Respected Member alanp's Avatar
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  9. #9
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    Thanks Alan They look pretty good too

  10. #10
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    Hi , and a belated happy birthday .

    Have you considered something like this ?

    I always try to buy real quality when choosing this kind of gear, and in fact my 'Outback' bag (without wheels) is still up to the job after 20 years and several trips around Asia ! Strapped to the back of a Carabao on one or two occasions.


    I might need the wheels now though.

  11. #11
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    Thanks for the link Graham That's exactly the sort of thing I'm after. I agree with you regarding quality, and based on the number of trips I do, it has to be very hard wearing and practical. I've got lots of hard covered suitcases, but with weight restrictions they are no longer practical, and I want something I can throw on my back if I have to. I'd rather buy a decent bag than save a few quid now only to see my boxer shorts touring around a baggage carousel on their own

    This one from Berghaus looks quite good, they also do this model with wheels

  12. #12
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    That Berghaus one does look the business. Good brand too.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    That Berghaus one does look the business. Good brand too.
    I'm quite tempted by it I've seen something similar made by Vango - World Traveller 60-20 and 80-20 series, they are about £30 cheaper, but I don't want to sacrifice quality for the sake of saving a few quid. I don't want it to fall apart or rip after a couple of trips being thrown around Asia, and my next two trips will involve a lot of public transport - trains, buses and various motor cycle and bicycle transport . I'll read some on line reviews when I get the chance later.

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    My mother always taught me to check the stitching, and that's what I do.

    If I can rip it to bits....back on the shelf it goes.

  15. #15
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    I just bought this one on ebay. I'm happy with the price, £47.99 It's last years model, but was £90 when first launched. Hopefully it will survive being kicked around by airport baggage handlers and the abuse it will get on Vietnamese, Malaysian and Thai trains, and an Filipino trikes and jeepneys

  16. #16
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    Must be good the Duke of Edinburgh himself recommends them

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Must be good the Duke of Edinburgh himself recommends them
    Oh yeah, like he has ever had to carry a back pack around

  18. #18
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    Looks similar design to my 'Outback' one.

    Vango are a good name. I have some of their stuff, including the 'Arctic' sleeping bag I'd intended to use on my York to China cycle ride.


  19. #19
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    Thanks for the Graham

    The online reviews for Vango seem ok, I've read a few reviews from gap year backpackers who said their's survived their gap year travels. They might not be as tough as some of the German packs, but for that price I'm happy

    Are you still planning your York to China bike ride? That should be a great adventure

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Thanks for the Graham

    The online reviews for Vango seem ok, I've read a few reviews from gap year backpackers who said their's survived their gap year travels. They might not be as tough as some of the German packs, but for that price I'm happy

    Are you still planning your York to China bike ride? That should be a great adventure
    Nah....too old now.

    Wouldn't mind going in an old banger one day though, if I can be arsed with all the paperwork.

    My friends once drove from York to Capetown in an Austin Champ.

  21. #21
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    Vango used to be good quality some yrs ago.. then they went huge and aimed at budget packers too.. so be wise in your choice... ex military shops offer some good value back packs whitch contain a simple wrap around nylon cover for that bit of added security esp at airports its lockable but easily cut open with a stanley knife .. but it instantly tells you its been broached.. if ever that happens.. good value for money too around £80.. ideal if ur only carrying ur regular stuff.. i normally carry a smaller back pack for flights which comes in very handy too for 2 or 3 day outings.. if its of any use Tk max have some good back packs for two or 3 dayers around 30 £ nike offer some nice gear too.

  22. #22
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    I never put anything of high value in my main baggage when I'm travelling, I always keep camera's, phones, travel doc...etc on my person or in my hand baggage. It would be inconvenient if someone stole my boxer shorts and stinky trainers or sandals, but not the end of the world.

    I've never had any problems with bags being tampered with at airports, although it can and does happen, I think it's unlikely as, like you say, if there's a huge cut in the side of your bag when it comes off the conveyor you're going to notice immediately and report it to the airport. If anything is going to get stolen, it's more likely to be at the hotel. However, I've never had a problem at any hotels I've stayed at either.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I never put anything of high value in my main baggage when I'm travelling, I always keep camera's, phones, travel doc...etc on my person or in my hand baggage. It would be inconvenient if someone stole my boxer shorts ... but not the end of the world.

    I've never had any problems with bags being tampered with at airports, although it can and does happen, I think it's unlikely ... I've never had a problem at any hotels I've stayed at either.
    Sensible and reassuring Englishman, and I'm glad you've made your ebay purchase ! Do you - and other members - have advice about whether or not to lock your main baggage ? I can understand it might be risky to leave it unlocked but otherwise secure, but if it's locked it could attract unwanted attention, or you could forget the combination / lose the key.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Sensible and reassuring Englishman, and I'm glad you've made your ebay purchase ! Do you - and other members - have advice about whether or not to lock your main baggage ? I can understand it might be risky to leave it unlocked but otherwise secure, but if it's locked it could attract unwanted attention, or you could forget the combination / lose the key.
    I subscribe to the attracting attention theory and don't bother locking it.

    I guess most people have seen the busting through a zip with a pen video

  25. #25
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    I just put a very small cheap lock on my check-in baggage, just to keep it from coming open, or even just keyring type rings on all the zips, again to stop them coming open, or someone slyly reaching in there.

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    If someone wants to be into it , they'll be in there.

    As with Englishman, anything of value will be in one of the pockets of my 'puzzle-a-pick-pocket and gain 5kgs of baggage allowance' jacket.


  27. #27
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    I've seen that video before and was always worried about bags or cases with zips. Consequently I always used a great big hard shell Delsey case with combination locks and key locks. The downside of that is that it weighs about 8kg empty, and as international long haul airlines are getting tighter with baggage allowances, I've been over my limit twice in the last couple of years with it. Some of the low cost airlines in the Phils limit you to 10 or 15 kg, so on my last few trips I've been using a large travel holdall with a handle and wheels that I bought for about £40 at Next years ago. It's strong and big enough for my needs, the only downside is that I can't throw it on my back, hence why I'm going for a travel back pack this time. As per my earlier post, I don't put anything of value in my main baggage anyway.

  28. #28
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    Thanks for the prompt advice guys I'm opting for a modest size back pack ( " Europak ", bought last time in Philippines because my original one was falling apart, inexpensive - can't remember exact cost, 50 X 40 X 25 cm ), and a decent sized check-in case ( " Tripp ", £ 50 from Debenhams, 75 X 50 X 35 cm, 5 kilograms empty ). The case does have a zip - guess the consensus is not to use the padlock, and put valuables, camera, travel documents etc in the back pack.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    Thanks for the prompt advice guys I'm opting for a modest size back pack ( " Europak ", bought last time in Philippines because my original one was falling apart, inexpensive - can't remember exact cost, 50 X 40 X 25 cm ), and a decent sized check-in case ( " Tripp ", £ 50 from Debenhams, 75 X 50 X 35 cm, 5 kilograms empty ). The case does have a zip - guess the consensus is not to use the padlock, and put valuables, camera, travel documents etc in the back pack.
    I've always felt it's wise to keep valuables like camera's and laptops in my hand baggage for two reasons, firstly so that it is more dificult to steal them, but secondly so that if the baggage handlers decide to play football with my bag that they won't get broken.

    Personally, I would always use a padlock or combination lock on my hold baggage. I realise that a hardened criminal could still break in quite easily if they wanted to, but my logic is that if it takes them an extra minute to break into my case, they might pick an easier target which isn't locked

    The case you're referring sounds about right, I bought a similar sized, priced and weight roller case from M&S last year. I've only used it once though as 5kg goes a long way into the 10 or 15 kg allowance you get with PAL and Cebu Pac on internal flights. My holdal is about 2kg and my new back pack is 3kg including the daysac, which will obviously not count as that is my hand baggage. If you're flying to Caticlan (Boracay) your allowance is only 10 kg, it is 15 kg to most other places and you are given the option to up your baggage allowance for a fee when you book your flights.

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