I've seen that video before and was always worried about bags or cases with zips. Consequently I always used a great big hard shell Delsey case with combination locks and key locks. The downside of that is that it weighs about 8kg empty, and as international long haul airlines are getting tighter with baggage allowances, I've been over my limit twice in the last couple of years with it. Some of the low cost airlines in the Phils limit you to 10 or 15 kg, so on my last few trips I've been using a large travel holdall with a handle and wheels that I bought for about £40 at Next years ago. It's strong and big enough for my needs, the only downside is that I can't throw it on my back, hence why I'm going for a travel back pack this time. As per my earlier post, I don't put anything of value in my main baggage anyway.