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Thread: Philippine holiday report part 1

  1. #1
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Philippine holiday report part 1

    The story so far. Well we’ve now been in the province for 3 days or so I think, to be honest I’ve lost track of time and can’t be sure!

    We flew out with KLM in the economy comfort seats that cost about 90 euros extra each. I got us the row where there are only 2 seats (10A & B) so it was nice we weren’t bothered by anyone else. The flight was pretty good and I think the food has improved somewhat over recent years.

    We got into manila about 09:00 local and got one of our two cases. We joined the queue at the lost luggage counter to be told to come back the next day for 09:15 to collect our case as it was in Amsterdam. Why two cases unloaded from the same plane can’t get loaded onto the next plane remains a mystery to me but there you go. They said it is possible to get the case delivered to the hotel but as the next day was a Sunday there was no guarantee that there’d be a customs bloke on duty so it’d be better if we collected it. This we did the next morning with no problems at all, infact the airport called us at the hotel the next morning to confirm it all with us. This was very surprising and surprisingly efficient!!

    We arrived at the Marriott in Pasay around 10:30 to be told that our room (a deluxe) would not be ready until 3pm. Not a problem as this is standard hotel check in time for them and I expected it. The only problem was they thought I required a smoking room. I got them to change this no problem. I even went for the upgrade to the executive level giving access to the executive lounge, more of that later. So we left our bags with the porter and were just wandering off when the reception guy came running after us that a room was indeed available! Surely not because I paid 4500 odd peso for 2 nights for the executive lounge?!

    Anyway up to the room we went and it’s all pretty good and can recommend the rooms, even more so as the hotel is only 10-15 minutes from both domestic and international airports. The biggest thing that struck me about this hotel was how helpful, friendly and professional the staff is. I’ve stayed in a lot of hotels and I have to say that the staff there rate among the best. Its not a bad lay out to the hotel which is small ish but has a nice bar in the lobby with very pretty girls dressed like the women in that Robert palmer video. Don’t tell the wife I said that though!!!!

    There is a small mall attached to the hotel, this though is expensive and has some very high end shops in it i.e. U-boat watches, Hugh boss etc.

    Now the only problem with the hotel. The executive lounge. Now I paid about 4500 peso for 2 night’s access to this for, truth be told 2 hours of free drinking. A false economy I know but I like the thought of not paying for over priced drink!! Anyway a lot of hotels in the past that we’ve stayed in and used these executive lounges have been very good (the intercontinental being one of the best in my mind) and have a dress code. Nothing special just wears long pants and a shirt sort of thing so no vest, shorts, flip flops etc. In the Marriott I’m sitting next to fat yanks in shorts and flip flop and blokes who have come straight out the gym and not even had the decency to have a shower!!! Now I maybe a little bit of snob, I like nice things for me and the wife but come on, have a shower and put some bloody trousers / jeans on and some shoes. Last thing I want is to sit there having spent good money to get into this place is to smell your feet and gym BO!!!! Rant over.

    Anyway we got to Tacloban on the 6am flight after 2 nights in manila. We flew with Philippine air who for information charge 168peso per kg over your baggage allowance. Our allowance per ticket was only 15kg!! So the extra baggage soon added up. The flight was uneventful and we got to tacloban ok. We stayed for one night in the Alejandra hotel which is a historical place but now to be honest though very cheap (1650 I think for the bridal suite, not even a suite just a pretty run down room) it’s getting tired and a bit run down overall. Saying that I wasn’t going to risk the leyte park hotel again after last time as it was very disappointing. Anyway after a fair bit of shopping including a TV and bluray player (that doesn’t play the dvds we sent over from the uk!!!) and trying to find a internet dongle thing we got to the province and our newly renovated wood house. Thins so far have been ok with the wife filling her face with fish and crabs and me funding what appears to be an ever increasing round of meals for ever increasing family members!!

    The weather has been hot and dry for the most part so far touch wood and I look like a shrimp already!!

    Right that more than enough for now I’d better go and see if there is a san mig in the fridge. I’ll write more later on in the holiday dependant on this crappy internet connection.
    It's been emontional

  2. #2
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Thank you, very intresting, looking forward to reading more of your events

  3. #3
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    Great write up Stu, enjoy your trip At least you've been lucky with the weather, I was over there for 2 weeks a few weeks ago and had nothing but rain and got clobbered by Typhoon Mina and Nammadal

  4. #4
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    sounds all good to me , enjoy andd what did you pay for the tv an what is it, we are going to buy 1 too at xmas over there

  5. #5
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    A good read stu, and informative, thanks for taking the time to share.
    Seems everything is going well really.

  6. #6
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    sounds good hope ur trip is sooo enjoyable

  7. #7
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Thanks for the comments everyone. Follows is another highly interesting, insightful account of stuff wot I can remember. Weather still nice, though it rained heavily last night, but the suns out this morning and I still look like a shrimp. Been to the local market in Calbiga which meant a 0530am wake up (I thought I was supposed to be on holiday!!).

    Price of major things brought so far:

    Samsung 32” Led TV series 4 4003 model with “free” Samsung HT-D330K bluray player with 5.1 surround sound = 24,000peso. There are 3 similar models of this between 21,000 & 27,000. I got this one as the cheapest was out of stock. In Tacloban I found a difference of about 4500peso between 3 stores, one local, the other Robinsons and the last was the Samsung shop (this is where I got it from) in the Robinson mall.

    Condura fridge / freezer CTD260MN 238 litres. 18,000peso, 15500peso after discount.

    Super king (bloody massive, so much so the king size bedding we brought from the UK doesn’t fit!!) size bed with mattress and 2 side tables. 48,000peso, 42500 with discount. I was worried about this one as her sister got this before we arrived. We went to the store in Tacloban when we arrived and even though there where cheaper beds this was the cheapest of the good quality ones so it should last a good few years. It better bloody do is all I can say!!

    In general we’re paying skilled workers (carpenters etc) about 300peso /day. Others (painters, water boys etc) 200peso / day. In with this are 3 meals / day plus snacks and beer. This is now starting to cost me quite a bit and am now glad that the vast majority of workers finish today so I can get some peace and they stop empting my fridge of san mig bottles!! They all seem to think (including the wife sometimes) that I’m a bottomless pit of money. Discounting spending money this holiday I’ve sent about 7 grand over here this year!!!!!

    Observations whilst in the province:

    The main one so far is if family and “friends, distant relatives etc” are within 100 yards of your house they will hang about until you feed them at least twice during the day. Its even worse when they find out you’ve got a TV, even though we’ve not got cable or even a ariel hooked up! Not so bad if those are working for you on the house but those that just come for a look and then stay 8 hours are starting to wind me up!

    A lady has just turned up to measure for curtains (the first I’ve heard of it!) and she’s been here nearly an hour, not looked at any windows, just sat down, peeled a couple of shrimp which now entitles her to lunch I dare say.

    The flip side is if we go out grocery shopping and take a couple of them (sisters etc) and offer them a snack and drink or something similar then they go all shy and coy!!!

    Why do they insist on having plug in power supplies for electric showers within 18 inches of the f**king shower head. The thing isn’t even earthed!!!!! I’m fed up trying to explain it. The “electrician” was going to earth it to the plastic pipe that supplies the water!!!

    Any idea of a budget just forget it. Our bed and fridge was brought before we got here but we’ve already gone through nearly £2000!! To be fair a lot of that is due to house refurb and workers wages, but then again I was told the house was nearly ready. Like ...... it is!! I’m told that after this a lot of expense will decrease as the house bar a bit of yearly maintenance should last for 5-7 years.

    Realise that nearly everything I’ve said or wanted for this house has been on the whole ignored.

    I seem to have written a lot of negatives here which I suppose is going to be the way as I have to adjust to the way of life out here. On the whole it isn’t bad, we’re literary in the middle of no-where (its about half an hour by banka boat to the nearest main road then about 1 hour to tacloban) so its peaceful, apart from the hammering and sawing and screaming kids and dogs barking. The air is clean, the view is nice, I basically don’t have to lift a finger and as long as there isn’t a brown out I’ve got cold beer.
    It's been emontional

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Why do they insist on having plug in power supplies for electric showers within 18 inches of the f**king shower head. The thing isn’t even earthed!!!!! I’m fed up trying to explain it. The “electrician” was going to earth it to the plastic pipe that supplies the water!!!

    Yes. I noticed that HSE hasnt reached Phils in the same way as back here in the UK

  9. #9
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    Another great write up of your experiences and thoughts Stu and a warning to others not to expect UK style standards in the Phil's. I'm sure you were well aware that the extended Filipino family would all crawl out of the woodwork and eat you out of house and home, use your facilities and live with you 24/7/ of charge, of course
    I hope that everything works out and you get your place sorted to standard you are happy with and at a price within your budget

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    ...... On the whole it isn’t bad, we’re literary in the middle of no-where (its about half an hour by banka boat to the nearest main road then about 1 hour to tacloban) so its peaceful, apart from the hammering and sawing and screaming kids and dogs barking. The air is clean, the view is nice, I basically don’t have to lift a finger and as long as there isn’t a brown out I’ve got cold beer.
    Life can be good

  11. #11
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    Great report Stu.

    A lot of this sounds familiar.

    Yes I'm envious.

    No I would never even give my address to family again, let alone allow them in the house.

    Enjoy, but watch that budget.

  12. #12
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    sounds fantastic, , just make sure you earn more then they spend

  13. #13
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Interesting reports...but al the more so for me . Myself and the wife just got back to the UK after spending a month (August) in Tacloban. We did spend some of the time in Abuyog and Basey as my wifes family are from there. Great holiday and didnt want to leave....and i agree its easy to lose track of time.

  14. #14
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    Funnily enough right this minute the ex and her cousin are having a bar-b-q at the cousin's house 200 yards around the corner from me.

    My boy and stepkids are there, but obviously I wasn't invited.

    Wonder if she's going to come up with 3 years child support.

    Edited to add:

    Ooooh my boy has come with LOADS of Filipino food and an unopened 1lb box of Sky Flakes !

  15. #15
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Interesting reports...but al the more so for me . Myself and the wife just got back to the UK after spending a month (August) in Tacloban. We did spend some of the time in Abuyog and Basey as my wifes family are from there. Great holiday and didnt want to leave....and i agree its easy to lose track of time.
    Thanks again everyone for the comments. Where did you stay in Tacloban?

    I've delcared today and tomorrow a day off for everyone, so most of the family have buggered off and its now lovely and peaceful. I'm sat on my terrace, looking across my empire (of 2 hectare rice farm), trying to use dodgy internet wondering if its too early to open a san mig without a look from the wife!!

    The most distant "relation" so far that someone can tell me who they are we've had round is a second cousin's brother in law!! I don't even know what that means?! Beat that people!!

    On the whole I think if you are building a holiday home type thing outy here double your budjet. Hopefully when all this has settled down out here we're planning on coming back for xmas next year, so hopefully it'll have all calmed down by then and I'll not have to worry about paying workers or materials.
    It's been emontional

  16. #16
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    The wifes immediate family currently live in Lower Nula Tula, Tacloban but on sister lives in Dulag, another in Abuyog and the family all come from Basey where her uncle is living.A visit to the philippines normally means we end up visiting all those places and others.

    Not sure when we can afford to get back there as we will be paying for ILR early next year. .....but maybe when we next get there i will let you know

  17. #17
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Thats the trouble mate after you have paid you way here there is not much left. And its going to get worse here.

  18. #18
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    Hey Stu, sounds like your having an interesting time, but at least when its finished you'll have your own little empire to look forward to everytime you go home.

    The issue with everyone coming round isn't limited to western spouses, the same problem occurs for Overseas Foreign Workers/ filipino Seaman when the return home.

    You can stem this, but i might make you unpopular for a while.

  19. #19
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Hi Stu, sounds very familiar with the workers , they even built a shack so two could stay over to "guard" delivered materials lol, then got drunk most evenings

    We are so lucky with the family though as bought our place a 5 hour bus ride and 1 hour flight or 23 hr ferry away from the main family hehehehehehe. We invite AND PAY FOR who WE want over to stay often for several weeks at a time when we are there. Works out a treat. Keep posting...
    it brings back me
    mories of having walls and railings built, external paintwork done and using most of the three carpenters in the barangay IPIL and Narra wood supply for the year up on various beds, sala furniture, dining tables,chairs cabinets etc etc etc LOL
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  20. #20
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    It'll be ok here when its finished but this is only and will only be a holiday home. I'll go stir crazy if I have any longer than 3 weeks or so here. As and when we do try a move out here we will be atleast one plane ride away from the main bulk of the family as Scott&ligaya said. We will then use this place to get away from the city or where ever we end up.

    This place has been made as a double walled wood house so i've basically brought up the local supply of plywood and other stuff, so much that apparently we atracted the attention of the local anti illegal logging folk! we obviously haven't used dodgy wood but the shear amount we've used obviously roused suspicion

    Biggest problem now is what sounds like the entire population of frogs trying to shag outside our window and mental dogs barking at not alot all night!!
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  21. #21
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    It'll be ok here when its finished but this is only and will only be a holiday home. I'll go stir crazy if I have any longer than 3 weeks or so here. As and when we do try a move out here we will be atleast one plane ride away from the main bulk of the family as Scott&ligaya said. We will then use this place to get away from the city or where ever we end up.

    This place has been made as a double walled wood house so i've basically brought up the local supply of plywood and other stuff, so much that apparently we atracted the attention of the local anti illegal logging folk! we obviously haven't used dodgy wood but the shear amount we've used obviously roused suspicion

    Biggest problem now is what sounds like the entire population of frogs trying to shag outside our window and mental dogs barking at not alot all night!!
    It's been emontional

  22. #22
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    Funny that, because ever since first going to the Phils I've had the radio playing all night...even here.

    It started as a way of drowning out all that row over there of course.

    Then again, in those early days copious quantities of San Mig usually rendered me more or less unconscious anyway.

  23. #23
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I need total silence and pitch darkness to get to sleep ok.

    Of course if I wasint on my own it would not matter "blast it out"

  24. #24
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    haha, frogs legs for dinner?

  25. #25
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Ok final report of the holiday. I've not got alot else to say really, things carried as normal out there. We wheren't really trouble by the typhoons that came through, though they where to the north so we just had a couple of days heavy rain with a 24hr brown out.

    The family continued to eat everything in sight of course and I'm told by the wife that this won't happen again next time. I swear I was told this before we went this time as well!! Oh well. Everything told I think we spent about £3500 in cash out there this time but as I've said before, this is down to buying a TV, paying off debts for house renovation etc. Plus of course feeding the hungry 5000 (well thats what it felt like!! Couple that mainly to a pretty bad exchange rate and its put quite a hole in the bank account.

    We sorted a joint PNB ATM card account while we where there with very little problems. I think we where in the bank for about anf hour and half. We'll use this account to transfer spending money for us for our next holiday so we're not a the mercy of UK bank exchange rates.

    We spent 2 nights in the Intercontinetal hotel in manila before we came home. I like this place and we got access to the executive lounge as well. This is lot better than the Marriott lounge in my mind. Also the breakfast in there is very good. An upgrade to a junior suite cost 1200peso.

    We are out both nights after exploring the greenbelt malls. I never realised but down at the number 4 and 5 I think its pretty upmarket with plenty of high end shops. Gucci, Boss etc. Put it like this the wife went in thinking she could get a bargin Gucci handbag what with being in the phils but the price was still £1500!!!!!

    We ate at Cafe Havanna the first night and sat outside. I thought it a nice place that served an excellant rib eye steak, the best I 've had in the phils (I asked for medium rare and thats how it came. I imagined that it would be the standard filipino thing of cooking the .... out of it!!) One word of warning though, be careful of the number of "single" girls that wear alot of make up that seem to hang out around there. I was slightly surprised by the number to be honest and I suppose I didn't really expect to see it there. Anyway the prices for the food and drink (they make an excellant long island ice tea, from what I remember!) where very reasonable.

    The second night we ate at a japanesse round the corner (can't remeber the name) and again that was good food at a good price. I'm actually impreesed by this area of makati.

    We also had a look round Rushtons mall. My god how expensive is that place!!!!

    Oh yes the xmas songs and decorations are up already in alot of stores, mental!

    Thats it really. We flew back KLM and got backinto the Uk at 23:00 on sunday night. I then had to get the red eye flight out of brum on wednesday to come to work and go straight onto night shift. So as you can imagine my body clock is fairly messed up!!!

    All we need to do now is plan our next visit for xmas next year I think and to make sure the family don't eat and drink everything again!!!! Yeah right!!!!!
    It's been emontional

  26. #26
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Thank you for that, it has made me miss being there, though not for the Christmas theame so soon

  27. #27
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    All we need to do now is plan our next visit for xmas next year I think and to make sure the family don't eat and drink everything again!!!! Yeah right!!!!!

    next time make sure a tin of quality street(choclate) for pasalubong to make there mouth shut up and wont bother you for their meals..
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post

    next time make sure a tin of quality street(choclate) for pasalubong to make there mouth shut up and wont bother you for their meals..
    Good thinking Moy.

    On special offer at Tesco too.

    I'm lucky to have the Nestle chocolate and candy factory just down the road (was 'Rowntrees' before takeover ), with half-price factory shop.

  29. #29
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Way ahead of you both. We sent 10 of the big round tins out in the last balikbayon boxes the the wife shared out when we got there. Didn't make a blind bit of difference!!!! Still it goes to prove that english chocolate is better that the yank stuff they seem to get out there. That or all they wanted was the tins!!!

    Thanks to those who gave me rep points by the way.
    It's been emontional

  30. #30
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    well if thats the case subs a jar of marmite will do instead lets see whose brave enough for a spreading in there pandesal
    Last edited by Moy; 9th October 2011 at 21:06. Reason: spelling
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