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Thread: worried with the accommodation evidence

  1. #1
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    worried with the accommodation evidence

    my husband lives/renting/ a house with a friend for 8 years now. the house got 3 bedrooms so overcrowding is not an issue only 2 people lives in the house. the lessee of the house is his friend who will write a letter confirming the house details, that i am allowed to stay there and that we have 1 exclusive bedroom to use. the housing agency too is willing to write a letter. our problem is my husband dont have a tenancy agreement or rental books or council tax receipts coz he said he pay his rent to his friend including council tax and water&electric charges. it shows in his bank statement that he is paying £300 rent every month.

    1. is sub letting acceptable?

    2. will the letter from his friend enough to show adequate accommodation with details and photos of the house? or we should provide other documents? if that's so what other documents we need?

    3. will it be acceptable if his friend(lessee) will be the one to make a tenancy agreement? coz he is willing to do so.

    im really upset coz i thought we have it all covered

  2. #2
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    If it was me I would get a letter from the housing agency, and have it indicated that the rent includes all other bills (like council tax).

    Nothing untrue there.

    Rent books can easily be bought from stationary shops, and the entries for rent paid entered retrospectively, and signed by the landlord.
    (Not everyone has a tenancy agreement anyway).

    Nothing untrue there.

  3. #3
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    If it was me I would get a letter from the housing agency, and have it indicated that the rent includes all other bills (like council tax).

    Nothing untrue there.

    Rent books can easily be bought from stationary shops, and the entries for rent paid entered retrospectively, and signed by the landlord.
    (Not everyone has a tenancy agreement anyway).

    Nothing untrue there.

    thanks for the reply graham.. the housing agency said that they will write a letter with details and as u mention to include the rent, my husband said that the housing agent will let other tenant his friend(lessee) to decide how much the rent is for my husband..

    is it okay that the details of the rent is on his friends letter not the house agency? or should be both?

    i found this thread from Mod Joe
    so i researched and found this
    the grey area is
    Accommodation certificates are sought by individuals requiring a visa application to enter the UK. One of the requirements for a successful application is that the person will have adequate accommodation which they own or occupy exclusively.

    does this mean we cant get the certificate?

    hope someone will help us wot to do. we are going to apply this December

  4. #4
    Member alan/maleiya's Avatar
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    Hi in my wifes visa application we also stated that as I rent a room in my sisters house and that when my wife gets here with our son we will be renting two rooms in her house.I went to a solicitor here and got in all done in a official agreement and they accepted that ok .it's a shame they found something else to refuse the visa on

  5. #5
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alan/maleiya View Post
    Hi in my wifes visa application we also stated that as I rent a room in my sisters house and that when my wife gets here with our son we will be renting two rooms in her house.I went to a solicitor here and got in all done in a official agreement and they accepted that ok .it's a shame they found something else to refuse the visa on

    thanks for replying alan. im sorry to hear ur refused visa i read ur post about it hope u win the appeal.
    thats why i want all documents to be sorted before applying so we will have a positive result.
    hope someone here gives me an advice.
    the more advice the better i will feel

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